
Ranat Class #6

KOS – example 2 SECHEL INTO DIBBUR Words are a pain in the neck. You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them. When someone is thinking, the words of thought come automatically, while the importance of the thing is the idea. But speech is needed to connect the idea with another person….

Ranat Class #5

KOS = a ruchniusdike kos that gives back more than the mashpia gives. First example is Eish v’Eisha. The Tipa contains goshmius DNA and ruchnius Essence of a person. Ohr vs Shefa – Moshol of a teacher and his students. OHR Teacher is talking and the students are listening, but the teacher is not locked…

Ranat Class #4

The Flow of the Maamar: Midrash: Bereishis bara Elokim – first with Elokim – midas Hadin, then Havaya Elokim, He added midas Harachamim. Maamarim 1 and 2: Moshol from a Midrash about the fine, delicate kosos (goblets) of a king. If he filled them with hot water they would crack, cold and they would get…

Ranat Class #3

Q2 Why is Rosh Hashana on 1 Tishrei, when Adam HaRishon was created and not 25 Elul, the birthday of the world? Rosh Hashana is the day of the coronation of the King. The nation shuts down and everybody is bittul to the king. This brings out His mida of Romemus, and Hashem gives us…

Ranat Class #2

The difference between a leader and a king. This class provides special motivation for Rosh Hashana evening prayers. Easily understood by beginners. MOSHEL VS MELECH A Moshel is someone who wants to lead. He will give the people only as much as is necessary for him to stay in power. A Melech, on the other…

Ranat Class #1

Introduction to Hemshechim in general and this hemshech in particular. RaNaT doesn’t finish. Since a hemshech is constructed in layers of concentric circles, where the questions that are asked are answered in reverse order, the first questions are not answered. Q1 – When Rosh Hashana falls on a Shabbos, Rabba made a takana that we…