Class 36
Page 54-6. Life in two levels: 1) Hispashtus, 2) Etzem What is life? Eternity and unity with the body (Hislabshus). It comes from Etzem and comes down into many individual forms.
Class 35
Page 53-4. Being rich means having in a special way [that one cannot lose what they have perhaps]. Two ideas in Godliness: Atzmus, without relation to anything other than self. In relation to ‘Kol almin’, the worlds. There are two levels of this 1) ‘Sovev Kol Almin’ in relation to all the worlds the same….
Class 34
Page 52-3. The two levels of Da’as tie into two levels of emotions: A) Emotions that come from reason, B) Emotions that are higher than reason and come from Da’as Elyon. The two kinds of Hishtalshelus. KaChaB and ChaBaD the difference.
Class 33
Page 52. How is Da’as Elyon intellectual? What is the definition of the human brain? The modern vs. the ancient. Philosophy is real wisdom, but one needs to be a Parush. All intellect, direct indirect, applied and abstract is all Da’as Tachton. Da’as Elyon is knowing the unknowable.
Class 32
Page 52. This class asks the question why do we say that there are two levels of Da’as? It answers the question by quoting the possuk. Our reality, our facts, are the Biblical letters and words and we study them with incredible precision and detail. The Possuk says ‘Ki Kail Daios Hashem’, we know therefore…
Class 31
Page 51. In this class, we explore what Da’as is. It is a depth and a connection to things outside itself that has an incredible amount of power. Da’as exists on the lowest levels regarding the most menial physical things, but exists also on much higher levels, on levels of the intellect and even the…
Class 30
Page 51. Da’as Elyon is about depth, not height. Da’as Elyon brings The infinity of the soul into the body but in a manageable way. This means that although Da’as is infinite, it is nevertheless in a vessel that a man can manage and direct as he chooses deliberately. This is the meaning of what…
Class 29.
Page 49-51. Even the rich have reason to pray, but why? Don’t they have everything they need. Moshe is considered rich, and not Ya’akov, though he and Ya’akov both are from the central pole, because he is Da’as. He is specifically ‘Da’as Elyon’, which is really rich.
Class 28
Page 47-8. Krias Shma (the divine perspective, there is nothing but God) and Shmone Esrei (the human perspective, so we have needs), Torah brings down with no struggle to the very refined (that Davened already), Tefilla raises up, and brings down to fill the ‘lack’ far more slowly. The first Kol (Tefilla without a Vov)…
Class 27
Page 46-7. The first three Brachos of Shemone Esrei are connected to the ten S’firos, the middle Brachos are the lacks that need to be filled, so we begin with the first three (shvach) to have with what to fill the lacks. This class explains how the lack of Malchus due to it’s Yeshus is…
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