
MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 06

Page 5-6. Kol HaNikra Bishmi, is an allusion to the Avodah of neshamos of Atzilus and therefore altogether omitted here. ViLichvodi is relevant here, this is the avodah of Neshamos of BY”A. Ana Emloch, an explanation from the Yichuda Tata’a idea in Shaar HaYichud ViHaEmuna. Garments for representing Godliness.

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 05

Page 3-5. The time is a time of Yechida, we’re all on this higher level, thus the Avodah of Rosh Hashana. Shofar’s shape reflects the cry from the deep. talking reasonably vs. crying out that cannot be said in words. On the highest level it does not even have sound. ViNichye Lifanav, two opposites, Pnimiyus…

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 04

Page 2. we explore ‘Binyan Hamalchus’, both the Mashal of Adam and Chava and the Nimshal

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 03

(page 2). this class explains what the Avodah of Rosh Hashana is, we explore ‘Binyan Hamalchus’, and the Avodah that inspires it as an introduction to the Ma’amar’s discussions on the topic.

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 02

page 1-2, 3 The Possuk min Hamaitzar has twice Yud Kai and not Vov Kai, why. We explore the question and the answer (page 3, from the Shela).

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 01

Introduction to the idea of Binyan Hamalchus.