
028 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 02

P 34 – 35 (P 49 NewVersion) Explaining Giluy: Something being carried by a levush. Moshol a truck drives by and your hat flies off. The Air (that blows off you hat,) is a levush. Put Ratzon in sekel and middos, they carry the Ratzon.Moshol of FIRE. There are three levels: Etzem – Flintstone; Inyon…

027 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 01

P 34 (Old Version) (P 48 New Version) Pnimius Ratzon Vs Chitzonius RatzonKochos of the Nefesh Vs Giluy HaNefesh.Kochos of the Nefesh exist individually. They are tools. Sometimes you use them and sometimes you don’t, but they still exist even if you are not using them.Giluy HaNefesh: The whole Nefesh is speaking. If one takes…

026 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 05

Torah and Mitzvos serve two functions – to fulfill the Pnimius Ratzon of Hashem and also to sustain His Chitzonius Ratzon to create a world. This Ratzon needs to be created by us in Hashem in an ongoing manner.About Talmidei Chachamim it is said, Dont read בניך (Bina)(sons) but בונוך (builders)(chochma.)Who builds the world? the…

025 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 04

עושה רצונו של עולםMaamar Map:pp 29-32 (old edition) (pp 40-45 New Edition) I – Gvul – Sustaining the World – Krisus Bris Noach – 25 Elul p 32 (p 45) – = II – Bli Gvul – Ratzon for sustaining the Worldpp 36-37 (pp 47-51) III – ( the next maamar) Pnimius HaRatzon – Rosh…

024 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 03

P. 29 (40) אבללכל תכלה: We learned that anything that is limited anywhere whether in the beginning, the middle or the end, is limited b’etzem, limited throughout. We also learned that it means HaAras HaOneg (not Atzmus.)ATZMUS: Is NOT Hashem. Maor is NOT Hashem. Hashem is SIMPLE and has no raltionship at all to any…

023 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 02

Moshol of Taanug to explain Ein Sof.Taanug is the etzem of the Nefesh – the source of everything. Taanug is lifting oneself up into the Bli Gvul – a feeling of richness of the Ein Sof. There is a big difference between Taanug ha murkav and Taanug ha pashut. Moshol of the light of the…

022 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 01

Maamar Map: לכל תכלה is divided into three sections.pp 20-24 (Old Edition) (pp 27-33 new edition) (End of Maamar Shuva Yisroel) is Gvulpp 25-29 (pp 35-40) Seder Hishtalshelus – HaAras – Bli Gvulp 29 (p 40) Atzmuspp 29-36 (40-51) Sugya עושין רצונו של מקום also in three parts. This maamar Section 2 Bli gvul of…

021 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 05

Samech Vav – B21 Seder Hishtalshelus p 20 3 lines from bottom (New Edition p 28 bottom – 29) 1)Lifnei hatzimtzum there are no levels – all is pshitus – all is Aibishter. By seeing what comes out at later stages, we can extrapolate back that there must have been levels. Here there is Giluy…

020 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 04

Samech Vav – B20 Structure of this section of Maamar Samech Vav:The Rebbe Rashab presents series of Three’s: 1) Olomos -Gan Eden – Eden 2) Ad v’ad bklal – Ad v’lo bklal – Ad v’lo b’klal on a higher level And in this maamar and the next 3) L’kol Tichle raiti ketz – (gvul) –…

019 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 03

Sof Maase B’Machshava Techila To understand this we read the Rebbe’s Maamar meluket ה pp 211-212.There are two Taanugs. One Taanug is about the project, what you do – this goes on the expression נעוץ תחלתן בסוף וסופן בתחלתן. The Other Taanug is the pleasure the person, the doer, experiences after the completion of the…