
005 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 05

P 4-5 (New SV p 6-7)What is the Main Purpose of Creation? The Etz Chaim says that Hashem wants to express Himself. The Zohar says that HaShem wants to be known. These are both about Hashem. Dira B’Tachtonim is about World.A כח is a tool for its owners. כחות are in the Nefesh VS. יכולות…

004 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 04

Discussion of Creation: 1) Hashem wanted (Ratzon)(Machshava) to create the world and EVERYTHING was created, but b’helem. 2) TzimTzum HaRishon – Hashem chose to create the world (in our maamar) with two tools ( in the Ayin-Beis with three tools,) Yecholes L’Ha’air and Yecholes Lo L’Ha’air, infinite and finite. Whatever is there first, (on the…

003 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 03

Inside Bottom of p. ג. (New SV p 4) The Rebbe Rashab is asking Why did Hashem create the world? and brings only three of many answers.1)The Midrash states to make a dira B’tachtonim – a dwelling place in this PHYSICAL world. 2) The Etz Chaim says so Hashem can express Himself, His Kochos. 3)…

002 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 02

p.1 (New SV p 1-2)A mitzva Klali encompasses the whole yiddishkeit, while a Mitzva Prati is a specific thing to do. Many Mitzvas have both components. Al pi the RaMbaM in order to be counted as one of the 613 commandments a mitzva must be practical i.e. something that is done. Shofar blowing encompasses three…

001 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 01

P. 1 (New Sv p 1)Introduction to the Hemshech Samech Vav. Hemshech Samech Vav is very organized from beginning to end, and is complete. The first questions are answered last while the middle questions are answered in the middle. This Hemshech talks about how to reach The Aibishter Himself. It discusses which is better, reaching…

253 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ki Hamitzva – Class 04 v. 2

“Nautz Sofan biTchilasan viTchilasan biSofan”. The end not only comes from the beginning but the beginning (G-D) is planted in the end Malchus and to a greater extent Asiya. Pages 345-7.

252 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ki Hamitzva -Class 03 v. 2

Techilla is as close a term we’ll find (though fundamentally inexact) for Atzmus. Pages 343-5.

251 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ki Hamitzva – Class 02 v. 2

In order to explain Techilla we must first interpret two words: Mekor and Kadum. Pages 343-5.

250 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ki Hamitzva – Class 01 v. 2

NOTE: 1)These next four classes were given at the beginning of a new school year. NOTE: 2) The last class in Ki Savo also includes the first class of Ki Hamitzva v. 2. The delight in any project appears (is felt and is present) only at the END of the entire process. Pages 341-3.

249 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VeHaya Ki Savo – Class 06 v. 2

The Mashal for “Nautz Techillasan Bisofan” is the procreative powers that are found only in the earth and not in the heavens. Though the heavens are higher. pages 338-340. More from Ki Hamitzva 5666(new school year v.2).