
318 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 03

Page 488-9. NEW SV p. 590-91. The Nimshal: Hashem’s speech also has two levels 1) Koach HaDibur, 2) Dibur, and they are both His Dibbur one before the Parsa, the other after the Parsa,

317 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 02

Page 447-8, NEW SV p. 589-90. Speech of human beings is different than any other similar types of communication. It reveals the “hidden” inside the person and isn’t only an external “revelation”.

316 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 01

Page 447, NEW SV p. 588-9. Introduction to Bishaa Shehikdimu. Neshamos what is their aliya for affecting Dira BiTachtonim? The Maamar starts by explaining Malachim first.

315 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 05

Page 441 ff. NEW SV p. 580 ff. The view that explains the Possuk “Vhaya Ohr HaLevana…” as referring to Atzmus [Atik] also has two ways: 1) There are three issues a. 7 lower, b. 3 higher aspects in atik c. RaDL”A. 2) a. 7 lower, b. 3 higher aspects in Atik, c. RaDL”A, d….

314 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 04

Page 408-9, 444-5. NEW SV p. 536, 584-5. Vehaya Ohr Halevana K’Ohr HaChama…. what do the three (or four) ideas 1) Shivas HaYamim, 2) Ohr Shivas Hayamim, 3) Shivasayim mean? According to Rashi [On the Gemara in Pesachim], it means Giluyim, Malchus is still mikabel from Z”A. Oros of Arich. According to the Zohar it’s…

313 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 03

Page 438 ff. NEW SV p. 576 ff. The Avoda of Emes LaAmito [i.e. how can one touch Him], only through Bittul. Ben shena’ase’ Eved. This part of the maamar revisits many of the old ideas as this sugia winds down. The Zohar lMan didayak bMili diChukmasa, etc.

312 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 02

311 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 0 Daa’s Elyon and Da’as Tachton on several levels: 1) Elokus and Nivraim [Only the first is True]. 2) Elokus and Elokus (Malchus and Ein Sof) [Both are True]. [This in itself has 2 levels: A. Ein Sof and Malchus, B. Atzilus itself has Da’as Elyon…

311 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 01

Page 434 ff. new SV page 571 ff. Halacha K’divrei HaMachria. Two opinions are resolved not by the third taking the side of one of them but by incorporating what both hold. Example: Tiferes including Chesed and Gevura. Tiferes is higher and reveals the essence of its source and therefore can achieve this.

310 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 05

Page 431 ff. NEW SV p. 567 ff. Absolute Truth means being entirely independent. This is true only of Hashem. Everything else exists and may be “True” because of Him. 3 levels: 1) Not complete lie, 2) Emes- True [because of Him, but Emes mitzad Atzmo because of Him], 3) Emes La’amito. Him!

309 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kol HaShone’ Halachos – Class 04

Page 430 ff. NEW SV page 565 ff. Havaya in this context means Hashem! The Ginas Egoz explains that Havaya means to exist and all others exist because of Him. But this doesn’t define Him as a Creator. The Alter Rebbe explains that Hishavus (creation) can be only from Atzmus. This also doesn’t define Him…