288 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar -Class 02
page 401, NEW SV P. 528-9. First example of subliminal help: Teaching something briefly (“Derech Ktzara” in a point), to preserve an idea’s integrity.
287 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar -Class 01
pages 398-400., NEW SV p. 525-527. Answer- the heavenly inspiration can be overt or covert (subliminal) leaving space for Avoda.
286 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lech Lecha – Class 06
Bichochma isbriru. Every Birur has a koach from Ein Sof, Chochma, (Gevuros of Atik). So what is Birurim of Ohr Chozer?
285 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lech Lecha – Class 05
Pages 393-6. NEW SV p. 519-22. Birurim. Two types 1) Ohr Yashar redeeming the good. The evil is then disposed of. 2) Ohr Chozer dealing with the disposal of what isn’t good. The evil is now (more) transformed and made good. LECTURE: The three birurims 1) Birur Rishon Milmaala Limata (the top down at the…
284 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lech Lecha – Class 04
Pages 390 ff. NEW SV p. 515 ff. Continuation. Reading inside select passages from what was discussed in the last Shiur.
283 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lech Lecha – Class 03
Pages 390 ff. NEW SV p. 515 ff. The Nimshal. The harder one struggles, the deeper into the essence of Torah one goes. It may be caused by golus etc. but the fact remans it gets you deeper into the Torah. 4 levels.
282 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lech Lecha – Class 02
Pages 390 ff. NEW SV P. 515 ff. A Mashal to explain how a perfect Torah can be perfected. A painting 1) The details from the whole, 2) Identifying each detail, 3) noticing the ancillary components and not reckoning with them 4) Knowing that in G-D’s artwork what seems trivial has the deepest secrets!
281 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lech Lecha – Class 01
Page 388-9, NEW SV p. 513-15. Tora adaata dinafshei vs. Lishma. The Torah is perfect. First we learn it to bring ourselves closer to Hashem, then we learn it to connect the (already perfect Torah) with Ein Sof. How can what is perfect be perfected further?
280 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 05
Pages 386-7, NEW SV pages 509-10. Mimutza Hamichaber. The issue of “Mimutza” (intermediary) is discussed in this class. We explore three different levels of Mimutza. 1) Hamafsik through “Hislabshus” (the intermediary brings the idea into his own mind and transmits his version of it), 2) Hamafsik bDerech Havdala (using the mashal of Miturgeman) (The intermediary…
279 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 04
Two ideas in Torah. 1) How Torah raises the Yidden up, This is called “Ada’ata diNafshei”; 2) How Yidden raise the Torah higher, This is called “Lishma”. These two ideas are linked to two ideas about Torah 1) Toras Hashem 2) Toraso (the Torah is the learners own). The idea that this now opens, is…
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