278 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 03
Continued. pages 384-5, NEW SV pages 505-7.
277 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 02
How a “Ben” achieves “Eved” in short: Going away from the illuminated (Ohr) of Torah to struggle in its darkness. Osiyos of Torah SheBiksav are radiant by going away from that light. It becomes possible to be “Michadesh” chidushei Torah (innovate new ideas) entirely through personal effort and reach “Atzmus”. page 383-4, NEW SV page…
276 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 01
Introduction to the idea of “Ben Shenaase’ Eved”- the point of the entire Samach vov- how great Tzadikim can reach Atzmus through their Kabalas Ol (in Torah, Halacha). First he repeats the impossibility of this task using the Mashal of the child whose wealth comes from enhancing his father’s wealth. Explaining the idea that Z”A…
275 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 10
This class continues individual points from the earlier class. 4) Aba Yonek mimazal vs. getting from “zro’os” of Arich.Two ideas in the 13 Middos Harachamim- very limited and carrying the deeper light, 5) Chivresa and Orchin vs. Shaaros; Mitzvos (Eved Pashut) vs. Torah (Eved Ne’eman and Ben). Pages 378-9. NEW SV pages 497-8.
274 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 09
The end of this Maamar that discusses Atzmus (HaKeser) vs. Giluyim (including Ayin of Pnimyus HaChachma which is called “Giluy of Ayin of Kesser”) has many ideas that were addressed separately in Shiur. This Shiur includes 1) Torah and it’s connection (on the level of Pnimiyus HaTorah) to Shaaros (hair), 2) The mashal for Makif…
273 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 08
In divine revelation more is less and less is more. This means the more revealed it is the less essence it is. There are basically three levels 1) Limbs; life is fully revealed (and contained) in the body 2) Hair carry a higher light but it’s not revealed as much 3) The essence (represented by…
272 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 07
Ain Aroch Lecha, Ain Zulasecha, Efes Biltecha, Mi Dome’ Lach. These four bittuls exist in the model of Metzius (worlds) but also in levels of G-Dliness (light). In Ohr there are only three levels. This class overviews this topic and links it to the bittuls of Ayin of (pnimyus) hachochma and Keser. Page 369, 375….
271 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 06
Continuation from last classes. 1) Ohr (light) and Keilim (vessels), reflect the outer and inner aspects of Ayin of Chochma (but not Keser). 2) ohr Mayim Rakia also mirror the inner and outer ayin of chochma (but not Kesser), 3) Thus the Ayin of Chochma has giluy (revelation) and hischalkus (categorization) and the Ayin of…
270 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 05
Colors. This is the next example employed by the Rebbe Rashab to explain the three levels of Chitzoniyus and Pnimiyus HaChochma and Nekuda Atzmis of Keser. This analogy (of light and color) must be understood philosophically (not physically). It involves the issue of “mikriim” found in philosophy. This means, some things must necessarily have secondary…
269 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 04
3 levels of Chitzoniyus , Pnimiyus Hachochma and Nekuda Atzmis of Keser are 3 points: 1) Point without Yud, 2) Point of Yud without “Miluy”, 3) Point of Yud with Miluy. Pages 372-3, in new SV pages 490-1.
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