
268 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 03

Bittul from Nekuda Atzmis of Kesser. Kesser is Bottul to “Ein Sof Mamosh”.Pages 372-6, In new SV Pages 490-5.

267 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 02

Bittul of Chitzoniyus HaChochma is a Bittul from the Eloki not the Sichli. Through Chochma one can reach The Elokus of M”A of M”A of Chochma. Pages 370-2. (New Edition pp 487-489.)

266 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 01

Bittul of Chitzoneus HaChochma (is also Bittul BiMtzius but) relative to the Bittul of Pnimiyus HaChochma it’s deficient.Pages 370-2. (New Edition pp 487-489.)

265 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Basukos Teishvu – Class 04

“Hiskalelus (has three ideas, this Maamar focuses on ONE of them) means that a higher power weakens the lower powers (mind weakens the emotions) and affects a unity among them. Bittul of “Heder Tfisas Makom” (in Chochma and Kesser (Ukam)) Is Bittul from Chalishus (weakness) and explains the Bittul of Chochma and (even) of Chochma…

264 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Basukos Teishvu – Class 03

Moach Shalit Al haLev (doesn’t mean that emotions come from the mind (intellect) but it) means that the emotions are revealed by the mind. As a consequence, the mind controls the emotions (once they’ve been revealed). It quiets them and even allows for the feeling of two emotions at the same time. This is called…

263 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Basukos Teishvu – Class 02

When talking about (Giluy of) Atzmus- Chachma (and the hidden level of and the Source of Chachma) are giluyim. Pages 364-5. (New Edition pp 479-481.)

262 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Basukos Teishvu – Class 01

Ayin is a reference to “Atzmus” as it exists in Hishtalshelus. This ultimately explains (in Kabbala language) what is accomplished through Mitzvos. Pages 364-5. (New Edition pp 479-480)

261 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kadosh Ata – Class 04

Different sources of G-Dliness accessed by Eved Pashut and Ne’eman.

260 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kadosh Ata – Class 03

Differences between Eved Pashut and Ne’eman in 1) Hatzlacha, 2) To whom the work is attributed, 3) Source of Simcha.

259 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kadosh Ata – Class 02

1) Keser Shem Tov, Dovid made a name. 2) The Mishalim (allegories) given for the idea of Ohr Chozer. Pages 356-9. (New Edition pp 470-473)