
351 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 01

Discussion why only here in the lowest (physical) world is the Neshama a Mihalech [growing and in motion]. Lima’ala its Metzius is limited. [A discussion on the word Metzius]. Page 498 ff, NEW SV p. 657 ff.

350 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5668 – Class 04

1) The difference in the creation of man from all other creations, is that he is formed from the highest and the lowest, 2) the reason for the difference is that man is the purpose of the entire creation and must therefore be able to lift it up by A. getting under the lowest point…

349 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5668 – Class 03

Vayipach: Getting the essence across so that the recipient gets the essence itself. Both in the Guf and the Neshama. To bring this essence down, one must dig very deep. Page 492-4, NEW SV p. 648-51.

348 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5668 – Class 02

Beginning of (first sugia of) Yerida Tzorech Aliya- to reveal the shoresh of Koach haMachshava. 4 types of Neshamos and all (even the highest) are effected when coming into the world a body and nefesh Tivii. Page 490-2, NEW SV p. 646-8.

347 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5668 – Class 01

1) Birurim have three steps: A. In the beginning Hashem is Mivarer from above creating Tikun, B: Then (due to the chet eitz hadaas) there is our birur as we are invested in the creation, C: The final re-elevating to Tikun. The third is the idea of Yosef: “Birur Sheini milaala Limata”. 2) Review of…

Class 00 Tiku… 5668

The first Maamar of five of this (unfinished) ‘Hemshech’ Rosh hashana.

Class 00 Shir Hamaalos 5668

The second Maamar of five of this (unfinished) ‘Hemshech’ Rosh hashana.

Class 00 Short summaries of the Ma’amarim not said.

The Hemshech Rosh Hashana of this year (5668) was never finished. However, the Rebbe RaShaB wrote points of what would have followed had he continued saying and writing this Hemshech. It seems that he went as far as to complete it altogether in these notes. In these few classes we attempt to decipher these notes…

Class 00 Kol Dodi (Pesach 1) 5668

The first Ma’amar of the Pesach Hemshech.