Class 46
Page 163-5. Tzimtzum HaRishon, the inseparable Pnimyus and Chitzonyus of Ohr Ein Sof are separated. Noam Havaya is the Nekuda of the Reshimu which remains after the Tzimtzum HaRishon.
Class 43
Page 160-2. Amalaik is the Klipa parallel for NeHI, what could be an upside (from another Ma’amar). Pnimiyus HaTorah is NeHI (Etzem) as it will be revealed in Torah! How can this be?
Class 40
Page 156-7. Atzmus is higher than Ohr ViGiluy altogether. Even Atzilus is Chidush, 1) The Giluy is new, 2) Ohr is Yesh MeAyin from MaOr, 3) In the Etzem it is not Ohr it is Sheim (name). Hod and Hadar (short).
Class 39
Hisbonenus. This class reexamines pages 154-6, exploring the background of Hisbonenus and the different levels involved. There are two basic levels to Hisbonenus as well as the Ahava ViYirah. The first level is the level of the human mind that can understand (and through Hisbonenus also feel) Godliness with the Human mind alone. On this…
Class 38
Page 154-6. Ahava, Yirah, and Tiferes all are connected to Ohr ViGiluy on the levels of Mimaleia and Sovev. Shaar Hayichud VihaEmunah chapters 8-9 discuss Chochma in Atzilus and in Ein Sof, but in Hashem calling Him a Chocham is laughable. Why? Our Ma’amar’s discussion of Ohr ViGilluy and Etzem is the same discussion.
Class 37
Page 153-4. Netzach and Hod. This class discusses the idea that all things emerge from the Ein Sof (and the Nefesh) as Ohr, in either the light (Ohr), life (Chayos), or Koach (energy) phases. All three of these levels are ‘outside the Etzem (of the Ein Sof and the Neshama)’, as the Etzem is not…
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