Class 05
This class emphasizes the nature of real Avoda in Chassidus that begins with the most basic levels. Though in philosophy one can start anywhere, and people love to start with highest levels, in Avoda (real life and work) if one skips steps, whatever he does is simply not real. Bittul of hanachas Atzmuso etc
Class 04
Page 3-5. Beyond simply knowing the Metzius of Elokus, there is the knowledge of the (M’hus of the)Metzius of the differences between Briah Yetzira and Asiya. Though it is still only Metzius, it is discerning within the Metzius. (The M’hus is Atzilus).
Class 03
Page 3 ‘Knowing that there is a God (and no more)’ is the first Hisbonenus. This Shiur discusses the basic knowledge that the world gives us that there is (must be) a creator, a God, but not what He is or that there may be levels in the divine presence in the world.
Class 02
Page 2 ff. The structure of the entire Hemshech is overviewed in this class. 1) Panim vs. Achorayim, 2) the need for nesira before Yichud Pnimi, 3) Panim. Any and all hisbonenus is Achorayim, because naturally, a Yid is one with Godliness and any need for Moach and Lev is achorayim. This Ma’amar only gives…
Class 01
Page 1-2. This first class deals with the questions in the beginning of the Hemshech. As the Hemshech does not finish answers were suggested (from ‘Tiku 5747 and the end of the Hemshech Samach Vov). 1) ‘Bakese’ means time, why is Rosh Hashana uniquely connected to the renewal of time. 2) Hashem must always be…
385 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Siyum Hadrush – Class 04
In the Beis Hamikdash they blew Shofar even when Rosh Hashana was Shabbos. The Maamar explains the idea of pnimiyus (vs. chitzoniyus), order and hiskalelus (as opposed to ribuy in Golus; Tzadik vs. Baal teshuva) that existed in the time of the (1st) Beis Hamikdash. The aguda achdus in the time of the Beis Hamikdash…
384 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Siyum Hadrush – Class 03
Higher than Pesukei Malchiyos and Zichronos is Shofros. This reaches Atzmus itself and is the Avoda of Ben SheNaase Eved. Torah with bittul touches Atzmus. The Atzmus is revealed as it says “Ata Niglaisa…”. This highest level is not really and fully revealed until Yom Kippur. Atzmus is above eating and being nourished from outside…
383 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Siyum Hadrush – Class 02
The third point is Zichronos,this is discussed in this Shiur. Zichronos reveals the perfection of “Ihu ViChayohi Chad”. Here also there are the two steps of the Pesukim themselves (Ein Sof above Ratzon the source of Sovev Kol Almin) and the Bracha (that reveals the Etzem of Ein Sof). Page 539-40, NEW SV p. 709-11.
382 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Siyum Hadrush – Class 01
Siyum HaDerush: [the Shiur follows the four steps of Davening: 1) shofar 2) pesukie Malchiyos, 3) Zichronos, 4) Pesukei Shofros]. This Shiur explored two points: 1) Shofar is Bitul Atzmi and Kabalas ol Atzmi and reaches (only) Etzem of Ohr Ein Sof. Shofar must come first because without it nothing would matter. 2) Pesukei Malchiyos-…
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