370 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hashamayim Kisii – Class 01
Ratzon Atzmi, even according to the Rambam (who was a philosopher and follows the laws of logic strictly) means the Will [of Hashem] that is the Essence and absolutely cannot be known. Page 520, new SV p. 685-6.
369 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 08
Supplement. This Shiur is on the end of the previous Maamar. This class goes back to the note at the end of the previous Maamar (Hikavtzu) (page 507, new sv p. 668-9) that addresses the fact that Neshamos are mushrash in Atzmus and therefore should have no possibility for Aliya. The Maamar explains that the…
368 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 07
Inside, conclusion. The Aliyos to Kodesh. until Atzmus. It’s because the Neshama is G-dliness from Keilim of Atzilus, Keser, and Lifnei HaTzimtzum that it is able to raise itself to the level of Ohr. Page 517-8. NEW SV p. 682.
367 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 06
The final understanding of Yerida Tzorech Aliya is introduced here: the Neshama ascends to lifnei HaTzimtzum and the level Kodesh there which is (ultimately) Etzem Ohr Ein Sof and Helem HaAtzmi. This Maamar develops this idea by discussing Shechina and Kadosh and Kodesh as explained in various Maamarim. Shechina is 1) Kav, 2) Atik of…
366 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 05
A supplemental Shiur. The details of the three levels of Ohr Ein Sof lifnei HaTzimtzum. This is a review and continuation of the last Shiur. Page 514-16, NEW SV p. 677-80.
365 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 04
The Nimshal of the three levels of Ohr Ein Sof lifnei HaTzimtzum, 1) A lengthy discussion about how different the Mashal is from the Nimshal. 2) The three levels A. Etzem is not even Kolel, B. Giluy Rak Meain HaEtzem is at least a Klal and mimalei makom hachalal, C. Is even Bishvil HaOlomos though…
364 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 03
The mashal for the three levels of Ohr lifnei HaTzimtzum: Kochos. each Koach from the point it becomes a Koach (and not only the Yecholes of the Neshama) has three levels (before it reaches the zulas [shetach hamikabel] in poel). They are 1) Koach Hiyuli Atzmi [in the Nefesh and bli gevul. This level has…
363 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 02
The Rebbe argues (based first on Ruach HaKodesh, though the argument seems based on logical necessity), that there are three levels of Ohr Ein Sof before the Tzimtzum (not only two). He develops the idea using the discussions of 1) Reshima, Chakika, Chatziva Asiya and the discussion in Likutei Torah Vayikra (hosofos- Lehuvin Ma Shekasuv…
362 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 01
Beginning of the fourth level: The Neshama’s aliya lifnei HaTzimtzum, has levels. Just as the purpose of creation does, bringing back 1) The same Ohr that filled the Chulul before Tzimtzum HaRishon 2) A Higher Ohr, Hischadshus, 3) Etzem HaOhr Ohr Chadash and 4) Yecholes, all these levels of Aliya happen in the Neshama as…
Supplemental Class – Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 12
Samech Vav This Shiur is on the end of the Maamar was given after learning the entire next Maamar (Kodesh Yisroel) and is understood in that context.. This class goes back to the note at the end of the previous Maamar (Hikavtzu) (page 507, new sv p. 668-9) that addresses the fact that Neshamos are…
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