
09. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Nine (5779/2019) Two Versions.

09. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Nine (5779/2019) One Class Version Basi Ligani 5710 Perek 9 with thoughts from the Rebbe’s Ma’amarim 5719 5739. This Perek speaks of the Beis Hamikdash (built through Iskafia and Ishapcha) standing as indicated in the Possuk ועשית קרשים למשכן עצי שטים עומדים. The Two ideas of a beam of light…

10. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) (version 2).

Basi Legani 5710 Perek 10 with thoughts from the Rebbe’s Ma’amarim 5720 and 5740 10. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) Short Version: Empire Shteibel (incomplete).1) Ending the discussion on Dira BiTachtonim (Atzmus and Mimalei)2) Beginning discussion on Tzivos Hashem, the question of the name and the message (name of G-d in lower worlds) and…

18. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Eighteen (5768).

18. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Eighteen (5768); Yeshiva Version. 18. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Eighteen (5768); Women’s Version.

08. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Eight (5778/ 2018) Three Classes.

08. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Eight (5778/ 2018) Class One. The point of the מאמר תשי”ח as well as the beginning of the מאמר תשל”ח makes the point that both good and bad happen slowly. One begins as a Daled and graduates to Hei, and in evil one begins as a Reish and becomes a…

07. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Seven (5777/ 2017).

07. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Seven (5777/ 2017).The Perek of this year explains a second Yud (ביטול המשפיע לצמצם עצמו להשפיע) and a third Yud (יסוד, צדיק יסוד עולם שמקשר ב’ נקודות האמורות). The צמצום in this case is to prepare us to get more and more until the צמצום is altogether overturned. The idea…

06. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Six (5776/2016)

06. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Six (5776/2016) In this class we learned chapter 6 of the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar and spoke the two Ma’amarim of the Rebbe (5716, 5736) into the text. Bittul. Daled and Raish, Malchus, starts out poor and needs to be enriched from above and then from below. Bittul is the second…

05. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Five (5775/2015).

05. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Five (5775/2015).This class is from the and has an introduction and some music, but it is the same class. We learn the Ma’amar inside and then read into it much of what the Rebbe said about it in 5715 and 5735.