23b. Ani Lidodi (אני לדודי) 5712 – Class 2
Class Two. The second class on this wonderful Ma’amar explains why Davening alone is not enough. There must be balance between Torah and Tefilla. The Rebbe explains that this has everything to do with the balance between the Neshama and the Guf, where each must do the other’s nature: the Neshama must attempt to descend…
21b. Nasata Liryiacha Nes (נתת ליריאך) 5712 – Class 2
Class Two. Tests that conceal so extremely reveal the same kind of light as the revealed miracle does!
18c. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5712 – Class 3
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5712, Class Three.This class is עיגולים where the separation between it and השתלשלות is a quantum separation. The idea of השתלשלות הכתרים helps explain the idea of עיגולים on the highest level. The משל for עיגולים ויושר is the difference between the land (that has visible distinct characteristics) and the sea (that has…
14a. Ki Yemei Tzeitzcha (כימי צאתך ה’תשי”ב) – 5712 (Muga) – Class 1
Class One. The difference between יחודא עילעא and ביטול דקבלת עול .יהודה עילעא raises and transforms, as miracles higher than nature do. ביטול דקבלת עול doesn’t raise, it Bittuls and as such the Bittul is total. This is connected to miracles limited to nature.
23a. Ani Lidodi (אני לדודי) 5712 – Class 1
Class One. This is the first of two classes on this classic Ma’amar, outlining the stages of the davening journey from submission and acceptance, to feeling, reason (of the animal and then divine Souls,) and total Bittul in the Amida.
22b. ViHikrisem Luchem Arim (וידבר גו’ והקריתם) 5712 – Class 2
Class Two. The second part of the Maamar addresses 1) how Klipa developed, being at first only a protector of the K’dusah not really opposing K’dusha until after the first sin. 2) Then Klipa and K’dusha were black and white, now there only shades of grey. 3) The Arei Miklat has to do with this inexactitude,…
22a. ViHikrisem Luchem Arim (וידבר גו’ והקריתם) 5712 – Class 1
Class One. This is the first class on this Maamar.We explore the question of what (really) is the difference between K’dusha and K’lipa, if both come from Hashem and both would not exist without Him what really is the difference? We are introduced to the idea of ‘Chai BiKiyum Atzmi’.
04a. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712 – Class One.
04a. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712, Class One. Chayey Sara, Chava, Noach, and Sara shared the Avoda of bringing Bittul into Murgash [as opposed to Adam and Avrohom whose task was in the realm of the Bilti Murgash]. Noach tried a bittul of Chochma (wine, pinimyus Bina is Chochma) and failed; Sara tried a Bittul…
05a. Pade BiShalom (פדה בשלום) 5712 – Class 1
Class One. In one’s Avodas Hashem there are choices: 1) Live above the Nefesh HaBahamis, in which case no transformation takes place in the person and right after Davening and learning one can fall. 2) Fight with the Nefesh haBahamis but treat him like an equal in which case the fight is incessant. 3) Fight…
05c. Pade BiShalom (פדה בשלום) 5712-3
Class Three. Answering the question, the war is a Krav and you choose to fight it through Shalom, being above the world. This then shows itself in all three pillars of Torah, GaMaCh, and Tefilla. The Alter Rebbe said this Possuk at the time he was released.
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