Toras Menachem – Mishpatim 5712 (01) Sicha One (01)
Class One. The dichotomy of demands in the maamar Lo Sihye Mishakeila: A) to be altogether involved in one’s personal spiritual growth (and “give birth” to emotions), B) While being so dedicated to others that there’s no time for stock taking and celebrating the successes. This seems much for the ordinary person. We have however,…
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5712 (05) – Fourth Sicha (02)
Class Two. (including Fifth Sicha). More on alumni, once a Tomim always a Tomim at least in some aspect. The suggestion is to have two separate but contingent organizations. Page 315-8.
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5712 (04) – Fourth Sicha (01)
Class One. The idea of alumni is much truer in Kedusha (and as it relates to the infinite Torah) than in Klipa, so it must most certainly be. The name of Lubavitch stays with the person. Stories. page 315 ff.
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat (02) – Second Sicha (02)
Class Two. The question of women and Arvus. There are different levels: A) A Mitzva a woman must do and hasn’t done she can certainly do for her fellow as the Mitzva binds them, B) A Mitzva she must but has already done, her ability to do it for her fellow will depend on the…
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat (03) – Second Sicha (03)
Class Three. Conclusion: Whether women are or are not in Arvus, in this case there is an idea of Arvus towards one another for one reason or another. Page 307-8.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5712 (01a) First Sicha – Review
Review. Review of first Sicha. The Hatred of Gashmiyus, makes Hashem a master over this world.
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (05)
Class Five. The Mitteler Rebbe’s Chassidus. Great Shefa. He wanted Chassidim to meet and discuss Yichuda Illa’a. Page 159-60.
Toras Menachem – CHAYEY SARA 5712 (05)- Third Sicha – Class 01
Third Sicha Class One. Connection between the body of the Maamar (Chayey Sara 5712) about Bringing Bittul into the level of Murgash and the beginning of the Maamar: Shnei Chayey Sarah. Page 132-3.
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (03) Second Sicha – Class 02
Class Three. The Baal Shem Tov’s view of Hasgacha Protis (as enhanced by the Frierdike Rebbe). 1) Every detail of DaTzaCh is BiHashgacha Protis, 2) Each touches the overall purpose of creation, 3) The details within the details (like who affects this particular effect a person or a wind ) is also precise. The Gemara…
Toras Menachem – CHAYEY SARA 5712 (04)- Second Sicha – Class 03
Class Three. The Geula within Golus idea is further developed in regards to 1) Kislev, 2) Chayey Sara. The lesson, to make another Jew and to do it with joy. Page 129-132.
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