23b. Lehavin… Ze Hayom Techillas Maasecha (להבין מ”ש בר”ה זה”ת מעשיך) 5713 – Class Two
Class Two. Questions and answers. Though Korbonos [that the Torah advocates] are higher than Adam, however Neshamos Yisroel are mushrash in Atzmus (HaKadosh Boruch Hu) higher than all. This becomes relevant on Rosh Hashana when all goes back to Atzmus.
23a. Lehavin… Ze Hayom Techillas Maasecha (להבין מ”ש בר”ה זה”ת מעשיך) 5713 – Class One
Class One. Chapters 2-3 explain how the Neshama is in the Tzelem and Dimus of G-dliness allowing her to experience one of several levels of Achdus. Sin however, cuts this inspiration source off. Then the Neshama needs Korbonos to draw energy from Tohu to compensate for the wrong.
14a. Vihecherim Havaya (והחרים) 5713 – Class one
Vihecherim Havaya 5713 Class One.Yetzias Mitzrayim was so that we could get the Torah.Mattan Torah was the total ביטול הגזירה that אצילות should shine in the lowest worlds including ours, Krias Yam Suf is like the Chinuch (preliminary, short termed introduction) to this.He explains how Malchus separates, the Mashal used is speech; and how by…
16d. Ki Savou El HaAretz (כי תבואו אל הארץ) 5713 – Class Four
Ki Savou El HaAretz 5713, Class Four.The Avoda of the three פרסאות: three loves:1) רעותא דליבא above reason altogether2) דחילו ורחימו שכליים (I believe that also includes אהוי”ר טבעית that is awakened by the mind).3) קבלת עול מלכות שמים it is called אהבה ויראה because it is inspired (like תמים במעשיו) [this is a personal…
16c. Ki Savou El HaAretz (כי תבואו אל הארץ) 5713 – Class Three
Ki Savou El HaAretz 5713, Class Three.The three פרסאות are explored in detail:1) From עשר ספירות הגנוזות to עשר ספירות הגלויות; the distance [like שמות and כחות עצמיים] [It works because 1) בידיעת עצמו בעצמותו יודע כל הנבראים and there the world (כהן) is present, 2) במי נמלך בנשמותיהם של צדיקים in Atzmus]2) From מוחין…
16b. Ki Savou El HaAretz (כי תבואו אל הארץ) 5713 – Class Two
Ki Savou El HaAretz 5713, Class Two.The Zohar speaks of a מלך who is served by a כהן.There are two (and specifically three) levels in this:1) The מלך is מלכות דא”ק and the כהן is חכמה עילאה.2) The מלך is בינה and the כהן are the מדות דז”א.3) The מלך is מלכות דאצילות and the…
16a. Ki Savou El HaAretz (כי תבואו אל הארץ) 5713 – Class One
Ki Savou El HaAretz 5713, Class One.Introduction: Livushim, different types and advantages and disadvantages.What is unusual about THIS Ma’amar. This Ma’amar sees Livushim not only as tools of Tzimtzum, to reduce the divine light, to allow for worlds that are more and more real, but also as a “חיבור,” that allows and facilitates the lower…
18e. Vayedaber Elokim (וידבר גו’ אנוכי) 5713 – Class Five
Vayedaber Elokim 5713, Class Five.The reason the בירור has to happen from Torah and not from the person’s own efforts, is because the Torah provides an infinite force to transform קליפה to קדושה.שלום for the Divine Soul that later spills over to שלום for the Animal Soul as well.
18d. Vayedaber Elokim (וידבר גו’ אנוכי) 5713 – Class Four
Vayedaber Elokim 5713, Class Four.The Torah existed (was learned and even practiced) before the Torah was given.However, it was limited (only עד שרש הנבראים) because we weren’t given the אותיות התורה.At מתן תורה the בלי גבול which is למעלה משרש הנבראים was revealed and now it is possible for there to be “ביטול הגזירה” and…
18c. Vayedaber Elokim (וידבר גו’ אנוכי) 5713 – Class Three
Vayedaber Elokim 5713, Class Three.The four levels of דומם צומח חי ומדבר how they play out in Avodas HaAdam:דומם is the idea of doing Mitzvos with “no Soul; only the garments” on the level of מצות אנשים מלומדה.צומח is the idea of the “Nature” (or personality) of the person. This involves feeling and even growth…
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