18b. Vayedaber Elokim (וידבר גו’ אנוכי) 5713 – Class Two
Vayedaber Elokim 5713, Class Two.There are three parallel things: 1) world, 2) person (“man”) 3) TorahIn each of these three there are four levels: דומם צומח חי מדבר.We explained how this is in “עולם” and how it is in the person, We had a very long discussion about the idea of דיבור.The essence of the…
18a. Vayedaber Elokim (וידבר גו’ אנוכי) 5713 – Class One
Vayedaber Elokim 5713, Class One.This Ma’amar is (very loosely) related to the two that came before it (in 5713).It’s point is: דיבור the power of speech that is connected to the עצמות, the highest level. That means בלי גבול is reached when things come down until the level of speech, which is a חידוש of…
17d. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5713 – Class Four
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5713, Class Four.A short Class that ends the Ma’amar on the note of bringing the makif (Bittul, Hoda’a, Bittul BiMtzius) into Pnimiyus, going through “the steps” mind heart etc.
17c. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5713 – Class Three
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5713, Class Three.The two ideas of…1) The link between the lowest and highest Avoda2) The idea of “the Avoda of Kesser”…are both discussed in this class.The פסוק ולא תעלה במעלות על מזבחי אשר לא תגלה ערותך עליו is explained, there’s a ramp (gradual imperceptible climb- linked to the Avoda of סובב כל עלמין)…
09b. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני) 5713 (Muga)
Class Two. The second Shiur on Basi Ligani 5713. Chapter 5 the Neshama is 1) a Nitzutz Nivra attached to a Nitzutz Borai, 2) from Livush Limechtzav HaSefiros, 3) From Pnimiyus HaKeilim. What does all this mean. Ruach Shtus of Ta’avas Heter (brings to Aveira). When one sins he can only repair it with Shtus…
09a. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני) 5713 (Muga) – Class One
Class One. The essence of the Maamar is that Shtus is about Aveiros that are lower than Klipos. Ordinary Klipa is ‘Shituf’ or ‘Eluku DiElukaiu’ [This includes Klipas Noga and the lower Klipos]; while Shtus is Avoda Zara that is lower than Shituf. This Maamar then explains how Shtus is going against the nature of…
03a. Braishis (בראשית ברא) 5713 – Class 1
Class One. Olom, Shana, Nefesh. This design is meant to create a relationship with Hashem which connects and at the same time keeps us apart so as not to destroy us. 1) In the Neshama and Guf 2) Koach HaAtzmus and Gashmiyus 3) In Ahavas Hashem and Kiyum HaMitzvos practically.
08b. Hayosheves Baganim… Brach Licha…(היושבת בגנים) 5713 (Muga) – Class 2
Class Two. The chidush of this Maamar: Giluyim is a Keli for Atzmus since giluyim (especially Mimalei) was effected most by Tzimtzum HaRishon. And at the point of Tzimtzum HaRishon, there was the removal of all Giluyim that revealed Atzmus mamosh to empower Mimalei to receive and unify Giluyim with Atzmus.
08a. Hayosheves Baganim… Brach Licha…(היושבת בגנים) 5713 (Muga) – Class 1
Class One. Ch. 2-3 of the Maamar. What all opinions agree about the differences between Mimalei’s Ohr and Sovev’s Ohr. 1) Hischalkus, 2) [Bekia,] the Dveikus is not mamosh davuk, 3) Keilim from Reshimu through complete Siluk in first Tzimtzum, 4) Sovev was only touched by the Tzimtzum etc.
06b. Pada Bishalom (פדה בשלום) 5713 – Class 2
Class Two. The unfinished part of Pada BiShalom. Even in Golus there can be Giluy Elokus, but not through Mimalei and Korbonos but in Sovev (Atzmus) and Teshuva and higher Tefilla GaMaCh and Torah.
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