04b. Omeid Aleihem (והוא עומד עליהם) 5713 – Class 2
Class Two. The ideas of Birurim and achilas Adam is like: 1) Eating Shabbos vs. the weekdays, 2) Tzadikim vs. Beinonim etc., 3) Neshamos and Malachim. On this basis he explains VeHu (Avrohom, Adam) standing over malachim and raising them to the level of Achilas Adam.
03b. Braishis (בראשית ברא) 5713 – Class 2
Class Two. Creation which is Olom, Shana, Nefesh is a Metziyus and is connected to Tohu, Misa and Rucho Shel Moshiach. To be MeVatel Murgash.
01b. Hayom HaRas Olom (היום הרת עולם) 5713 – Class 2
Class Two. Rosh Hashana we reach Techillas Maasecha (and higher). This manifests in the idea of Is’hapcha that is higher than Is’kafia. The Rebbe explains two levels in Is’hapcha: A. Where the darkness is replaced by light, B. Where the darkness itself shines. This latter idea is the true uniqueness of Rosh Hashana.
01a. Hayom HaRas Olom (היום הרת עולם) 5713 – Class 1
Class One. Maamar Hayom Haras Olom 5713 part one. Maase is the end of lifnei haTzimtzum and Machshava means Atzilus. All year only Sof Maase [Kav] comes into Atzilus, on Rosh Hashana Techilas Maasecha [Ohr Lifnei HaTzimtzum that is the mekor for Olomos and higher] also comes down until Asiya. Machshava is Atzilus [explanation: Koach…
22d. Re’ei (ראה) 5713 – Class Four
22d. Re’ei 5713, Class Four.This class connects this Ma’amar and the levels of Godliness and Hishtalshelus and the Godliness above Hishtalshelus to Elul and Tishrei.As this Shabbos (Re’ei) is Shabbos Mivorchim Elul. We read Re’ei as Elul approaches and enters as a provision of strength to what will follow in Elul AND Tishrei.Elul is about…
22c. Re’ei (ראה) 5713 – Class Three
22c. Re’ei 5713, Class Three.This (shorter) class, asks one question and gives one answer: Why do we insist (to interpret the Possuk ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם as a reference to the fact) that at Mattan Torah Yidden were given a revelation of Havaya and higher than that the idea of Aisan, we had both these…
22b. Re’ei (ראה) 5713 – Class Two
22b. Re’ei 5713, Class Two.This class is very long, I’m sorry.This class is the ‘Haskalah’ (philosophy) of the Ma’amar.The (direct) issue of the Ma’amar is the notion of Hashem giving Pnimiyus to Yidden (ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם היום ברכה) as He gave it in the Torah to the world.The idea of Pnimiyus refers to the…
22a. Re’ei (ראה) 5713 – Class One
22a. Re’ei 5713, Class One.This class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar that studies and explains the Pesukim ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם וגו and their deeper implication. Here Hashem is giving into Yidden the Koach from higher than Hishtalshelus to their Avoda in learning Torah and doing Mitzvos. It begins with four…
21b. Aileh Masei (אלה מסעי) 5713 (Class Two).
21b. Aileh Masei 5713 (Class Two).This class explains how we lost this idea of ‘Zikaron’ and the consequences of this.We were warned not to lose our M”A in the times of the Beis HaMikdash (which is the same idea as Zikaron) and we didn’t listen and we forfeited it.The consequence is two things:1) זכור הוי’…
21a. Aileh Masei (אלה מסעי) 5713 (Class One).
21a. Aileh Masei 5713 (Class One).This class talks about the idea of ‘Panim’ (face) where there can be no forgetfulness, because when one is on the level of Panim, he is above the possibility if forgetting. He explains that this is Atzilus, that may be changed from the way the Ein Sof light is on…
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