
19c. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh (ויהיו בני ישראל במדבר) 5713 – Class Three.

19c. Vayihyu B’nei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class Three.This class is on the very beginning and the end of this Ma’amar; and it is the Rebbe’s explaining the Mekoshesh.There are three levels of understanding the Mekoshesh:1) The Zohar: Separating and prioritizing Etz HaDa’as from Etz HaChayim,2) Kabbalah: Seeing other trees (Malachim) and focusing…

19b. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh (ויהיו בני ישראל במדבר) 5713 – Class Two

19b. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class Two.The idea of Avoda which is limited, because the person isn’t giving himself away (to Hashem) completely, is now applied to the ten S’firos.The Rebbe argues that Malchus and Z”A, and Bina, and (even higher) Chitzoniyus HaKesser are Godly but limited in the kind of…

19a. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh (ויהיו בני ישראל במדבר) 5713 – Class One.

19a. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class One.The Ma’amar explains the sin of the Mekoshesh (who collected wood on Shabbos) by first exploring the Etz HaChayim and the Etz HaDa’as and the sin of Adam and Chava (eating from the Etz HaDa’as).The Rebbe begins with the question, how is Etz HaDa’as a…

20d. Lima’an Da’as 5713 (4)

20d. Lima’an Da’as 5713, Class Four.This Class speaks of the idea and Avoda of Ain Od which is higher than all levels of הוי’ הוא האלוקים because on this level there’s only ONE; only God and not even a notion of oneness BETWEEN world and God, because there is only Him.As opposed to the level…

20c. Lima’an Da’as 5713 (3)

20c. Lima’an Da’as 5713, Class Three.This class includes:1) A short introduction about (the time) leading up to Yud Shvat: 00:00- 10:002) 10:00 – 53:10 ; Perek 6.We explain the third idea of הוי’ הוא האלוקים as it is בארץ סתם in the lower worlds (בי”ע) they are not Godly, but creations, so you cannot explain…

20b. Lima’an Da’as 5713 (2)

20b. Lima’an Da’as 5713, Class Two.This Shiur is very long and it includes Perakim 3-5. I advise doing half at a time, each half is about one hour long, I marked (below) until which minute is the first half and from which minute begins the second half. It has two (of the four) ideas of…

20a. Lima’an Da’as 5713 (1)

20a. Lima’an Da’as 5713, Class One.This class includes the beginning and the end (the questions and the answer) of this masterpiece. A. But first how does למען דעת (which we say everyday; and in Hosha’anos) connect especially to 12-13 Tamuz? The answer because it follows the sequence of Pesukim that began with יהי ה’ אלוקינו…

Toras Menachem – 20 Av Shabbos Ekev 5713 (11)

Class Eleven. Going out of one’s limits can also be controlled (and limited.) ‘God makes a living, we live. When everyone agrees that we are joyous on a Yahrtzeit, when it is on Shabbos. Page 114-15.

Toras Menachem – 20 Av Shabbos Ekev 5713 (10)

Class Ten. Hesech HaDa’as cont. We’re not holding by hesech HaDa’as, but we study and think about it and since this is the best we can do it is considered as if we were in fact Masiach Da’as. The Niggun Ani ma’amin and the K’doshim. Page 113-14.  

Toras Menachem – 20 Av Shabbos Ekev 5713 (08)

Class Eight. Menucha means Torah Lishma, three ideas. Page 111.