
09. Ze Yitnu 5715

09. Ze Yitnu 5715 Class One. A meeting of Neshama and Guf must happen. The question is how compromised will the neshama become by the Guf. Four worlds, four degrees of compromise.   09. Ze Yitnu 5715 Class Two. The four levels (the conclusion): Atzilus is like Oros and Kailim, Neshama and Guf (the body…

08. Basi Ligani 5715

Class One. Shtus Dikdusha, higher than any reason, can only be expressed at times and events that match the energy of the Shtus, Example: at a wedding. The primary example is Dira BiTachtonim, as it is higher than any reason, it elicits Shtus DiKdusha. 1) From there can come ‘Midas HaHishtavus, 2) The bringing down…

07. ויאמר הוי’ אל משה ראה נתתיך אלוקים לפרעה ה’תשט”ו, Class Four (Part 19 of Hemshech)

07. ויאמר הוי’ אל משה ראה נתתיך אלוקים לפרעה ה’תשט”ו, Class Four (Part 19 of Hemshech)

06. Boruch Sheusu Nissim 5715 (Muga), (Fourth of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)

Class One/ Twelve (המשך).   Class Two/ Thirteen (המשך).   Class Three/ Fourteen (המשך).   Class Four/ Fifteen (המשך).

05. Pasach Eliyahu 5715 (Muga), (Third of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)

Class One/ Nine (המשך). Nature vs. Miracles, where do they get their energy from and how are they different. Level One: G-dliness is revealed only in miracles; in nature He is hidden. Level Two: Both the miracle and nature are (sustained by) G-dliness, the difference is only from which aspect (name): Miracles from הוי’ה and…

04. Rav Yosi Pasach… Yisron Eretz.. 5715 [NOT part of the Hemshech].

Class One. Malchus completes the Partzuf (Adam). The understanding of Malchus completing Atzilus has three levels, The first two are in the words ‘ViYisron Eretz Lakol Hi…’ (the third is represented by the second half of the Possuk ‘Melech LiSadeh Ne’evad’). Two ideas are discussed here: 1) Malchus brings Atzilus much lower and then raises…

03. Breishis 5715 (Second of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)

Class One/ Five (המשך). This first class on the second מאמר of this המשך begins with a discussion on דעת and it’s unique properties. It is, on the one hand a כח בכלי which is limited and, manageable, but on the other it is the נפש’s ability to connect and feel on all levels. This…

02. BaYom Hashmini 5715 (First of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)

Class One. Though the Birur associated with the 70 nations on Sukkos is great, the ascent in Kedusha of Yidden alone on שמיני עצרת is higher. Introduction: two ideas in Knowing Godliness. Both are knowing proactively. One from below: למטה יש ולמעה אין- the unknown and misunderstood. One from above: למעלה יש ולמטה אין- He…

Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5715 (01) to Merkaz Shluchim

Class Twelve. Page 215-17. Counting Jews, not losing a single one on the eve of the final Geula.