
37. גדול יהי’ כבוד הבית הזה האחרון מן הראשון ה’תשכ”ב

גדול יהי’ כבוד הבית הזה האחרון מן הראשון ה’תשכ”בPDF Class One. If creation was from שם הוי’ה only. Incredibly far and incredibly Bottul. Space and time would not exist at all. Class Two. The world as it is created by the combination of שמות הוי’ ואלקים where the הוי’ה shines through. That is how Godliness…

33. ViHaya BaAchulchem 5722.

A Ma’amar about Challah and an analysis of the Possuk Vayikra 15, 19-20). Lechem from heaven and from earth. Three stages: 1) Birur from the top down, 2) from the Bottom-up, 3) Elevated into Atzilus again and this explains (the Pesukim of) Challah.

31. Tz’Ena UrEna 5722.

Class One. This Ma’amar is being taught in two shiurim. The first shiur deals with the Biur of the Ma’amar that discusses the idea of Koach Ein Sof being present (only) in Neshamos Yisroel in this world davka, and not in Malachim (or anything else) because only in Neshamos is there the joining together of…

28. Shir HaMa’alos Huinei Ma Tov UMa Nuim… 5722 (Muga)

This Ma’amar is Muga. The Biur in this Ma’amar discusses the three juxtapositions of 1) Bracha and Tefilla, 2) Torah and Tefilla, 3) Torah of RaShBI and Tefilla. In this third level, all separations are broken and this Torah reaches the Ein Sof, creates Keilim and is an assured effect. The Ma’amar itself juxtaposed the…

27. ViNigla K’vod Havaya 5722.

Class One. This is the first Shiur on the Ma’amar ViNigla Kvod HaVaya. We first discussed the typical understanding of food- to keep the Neshama and Guf together. Here, however, he explains food as a provider of (a higher) sovev to the guf, rather than (the typical understanding of food) simply causing the Neshama to…

21. Vayomer Moshe El Yehushua… Tzai hilachem BaAmalaik 5722.

Class One. Beginning and the end of the Ma’amar was discussed in this class. Amalaik can only get you after you leave Egypt (simple faith) and before you become rich (Pnimiyus HaMochin UMidos) when you enter the holy land. This is the meaning of Baderech (on the road) after you left Egypt (prior to the…

18. Machar Chodesh.. 5722.

This Maamr is really a “Im Kesef talve” Maamar. This Ma’amar which deals with Gemilas Chasadim, places this Mitzva not only above Tzedaka, but above all the Mitzvos: Tzeadaka corrects BY”A, Mitzvos enhance Atzilus, GeMaCh touches the Ein Sof and it has nothing to correct, change or improve. So, the reward for touching Keser, is…

17. Kimei Tzeischa MeEretz Mitzrayim… 5722.

This Ma’amar is (on the surface) very vague and difficult. The idea (seems to be) is that the splitting of sea at Yetzias Mitzrayim and of Bekias HaNahar when Moshiach comes as a preparation for the revelations of the Torah (which is Chochma) that was to follow. The Ma’amar is trying to understand how Midos…

15. Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov… 5722.

A Maamar on Hallel which is a D’rabanan. This Maamar based on the Alter Rebbe’s Hodu LaHasham Ki Tov from Halel reveals three levels of divine revelation: 1) Light and Vessels, 2) The light and the “guf” (body) and 3) Possuk katan that is even higher than guf. These three are linked to 1) DeOraisa,…

11. Pada BiShalom 5722 (Muga)

A very involved Padah Bishalom Ma’amar. Shalom is Yechida that gives koach to a lower Yid to serve on the level of total hisbatlus, even if his Yechida is not revealed. The Yechida is the idea of “Ki BiRabim Hayu Imadi” [1) Yachid sherabim tzrichin lo, 2) The nitzutzei kidusha in Klipa also want an…