
10. Vishavtio BiShalom 5722.

Tanya chapter 41 talks of two levels of total self-sacrifice for Hashem. The lower level is Mesiras Nefesh al Kidush Hashem for one’s own sake while the second is to serve Hashem for Hashem’s sake to achieve His end. Why is the first level not good enough? The Possuk Vishavti BiShalom means that this level…

09. ViHaya Zaracha 5722.

Class One. This shiur attempts to explain the differences between the four (basic) levels of Ohr Ein Sof. Our Ma’amar deals with 1) Lifnei Hatzimtzum (only Igul) 2) After the Tzimtzum in Ein Sof (Igul and Kav are together); 3) Atzilus (only Ein Sof of Kav); 4) The NeHI that can split and come into…

08. ViYitzchok Ba MiBo 5722.

Class One. Osim Rtzono Shel Makom, (Creating a new Ratzon) Joining Sovev and Mimalei; Sovev HaAtzmi. Bchol Livovecha, Nafshecha, Miodecha. Class Two. Wells are Yitzchok’s avoda. They represent looking for Ahava (love for Hashem) deep within oneself. There are various steps to removing the blockages to the love and then there are several levels of…

07. Liosei Niflaos Gidolos 5722.

This Ma’amar has a Simchas Torah idea, but was said on Monday (Noach) 29 Tishrei (to the departing guests). Liosei Niflaso 5722, a Simchas Torah Maamar based directly on the Alter Rebbe’s version, which creates for a very interesting learn. There are three (or four) levels: A. Kindness, B. the source of kindness C. and…