
15. Hayosheves Baganim 5735

15. Hayosheves Baganim 5735When the Malachim and Neshamos come to listen to the Jewish people down here learning Torah, Hashem Himself joins. Only here where darkness is transformed to light (not only displaced by light, but actually transformed), is the highest Godliness available. The word ‘VaEd’ means forever but it is also representative of the…

14. Basi Ligani 5735

Class One. 1) Introduction, overview of the entire hemshech (two points): 1) Iskafia ViIshapcha (Korban, Shtus, Sheker to keresh), 2) Tzivos Hashem. 2) three examples of Shtus DiKdusha in Tefilla, 1) VaAni Baar Vlo Aida Behaimos Hayisi Imach Vaani Tamid Imach, 2) Korbanos, 3) ViImcha Lo Chafatzti. 3) The question: why does the Frierdike Rebbe…

Basi Ligani 5735.

Class One. 1) Introduction, overview of the entire hemshech (two points): 1) Iskafia ViIshapcha (Korban, Shtus, Sheker to keresh), 2) Tzivos Hashem. 2) three examples of Shtus DiKdusha in Tefilla, 1) VaAni Baar Vlo Aida Behaimos Hayisi Imach Vaani Tamid Imach, 2) Korbanos, 3) ViImcha Lo Chafatzti. 3) The question: why does the Frierdike Rebbe…