
50. אלה מסעי ה’תשמ”א

This Ma’amar explains that the Torah is an eternal practical lesson and in that spirit the 42 journeys are explained. The life of the person and the day of the person have 42 journeys from leaving the exile and constraint of the womb and the bed until one reaches the highest levels. Each higher level…

49. ומקנה רב ה’תשמ”א

The difference between Yosef and his brothers (and -even- the Avos) highlights the reason why the בני גד ובני ראובן wanted land east of the Yarden to be pastoralists. This was due to their worldliness עובדי הוי’ בגופם which required them to choose a life far from the material world, as opposed to their brethren…

48. קדש ישראל להוי’ תשמ”א

קדש ישראל להוי’ה is Yidden in the good times, when they are on the level of קדש, the fourth level חכמה, השתלשלות. כל אוכליו יאשמו is Yidden in Galus with all kinds of challenge that reveals the fifth level: אשם שהוא וחומשו חמשה the financial aspect of the אשם (the fine) is a quarter on…

47. הוי’ לי בעוזרי ה’תשמ”א

Class One. This class has a lengthy introduction about Yud Bais Tamuz and the idea of Mesiras Nefesh. The part of the Ma’amar learned is the beginning and the end. The point is that the salvation of Dovid from his challenges and his receiving Divine help depends on actually seeing his enemies as a challenge…

46. מה טובו ה’תשמא

Class One. In this class the מאמר establishes the idea that each and every פסוק in פרשת בלק is about תשובה. Since the story of בלק and בלעם is about transforming a curse into a blessing, so too the lesson of the Parsha is in תשובה. Class Two. There are four levels of תשובה two…

45. זאת חוקת התורה ה’תשמ”א

חוקת means engraved חקיקה. The מאמר discusses the idea that תורה has two levels: תורה שבכתב ותורה שבעל פה and that the idea of three levels of תורה which are engraved חקיקה written כתיבה and spoken אמירה is what happens when the נשמה comes into this world: it reveals the source of the תורה on…

44. והנה פרח מטה אהרון ה’תשמ”א

Everything associated with כהונה and כהנים is marked by quickness and alacrity. It is based on their nature of חסד. It also comes down through all steps of השתלשלות, it just does it quickly. And it reaches the lowest levels. All Jews are spiritually כהנים.

43. להבין ענין פרשת הנסכים ה’תשמ”א

This מאמר explains the idea of רצוא ושוב as it relates to קרבנות (only) once Yidden go into and settle ארץ ישראל. קרבנות are רצוא and מנחה ונסכים are שוב. In עבודת האדם they are both in Davening: קריאת שמע וכו’ ואח”כ שמונה עשרה, are רצוא ושוב. In life they are: 1) Being in Shul…

42. ראיתי והנה מנורת זהב ה’תשמ”א

The change in the פסוק נר אלוקים נשמת אדם as opposed to נר הוי’ נשמת אדם as it appears in משלי כ”ז, כ is based on the ירושלמי שבת פ”ב ה”ו. All the Jewish people make up one body with seven branches and seven different types of service to Hashem. The seven רועים shepherds assist…

41. ועשית חג שבועות ה’תשמ”א

Class One. This class introduces the essential point of this מאמר. The idea that the beginning and essence of everything is what we give Hashem entirely on our own, this is… 1) תפילה which radiates entirely from the person. 2) הקדימו נעשה לנשמע. The הקדימו, this is what we give Him; consequent of that there…