
40. נשא את ראש בני ישראל ה’תשמ”א

Class One. This מאמר discusses the relationship between 1) The Mishkan, 2) The work done in the Mishkan, 3) The journeys through the desert. This class wonders about the journeys that happened before the Mishkan was erected and teaches us something outstanding: the Yiddishkeit Jewish people received at Sinai existed within them inherently and shows…

39. וידבר וגו’ שאו את ראש וגו’ ה’תשמ”א

This מאמר is about renewal. The counting of the Jewish people was a newness that requires: 1) שאו את ראש which means an opening of ביטול. 2) Then the actual עבודה consists of two steps: A. במדבר סיני which is תפילה climbing from the lowest to the highest level. B. באהל מועד which is תורה…

38. אם בחוקותי תלכו ה’תשמ”א

This is primarily a ל”ג בעומר Ma’amar. בחוקותי means תורה that results in a physical change in the world as it says ונתתי גשמיכם בעתם the Torah that makes it rain is the level of רבי שמעון בר יוחאי. This is, of course, the story in זהר where through תורה ושבחים of רשב”י it rained….

37. קדושים תהיו

This מאמר of קדושים is different than most מאמרים on this פסוק. In this version the greatest thing i what we Give Hashem on our own: תפילה which is explained as מסירת נפש. This is higher than our relationships with Hashem based on what He gives us: תורה ומצות. The third crown that He keeps…

36. קול דודי ה’תשמ”א

Class One. In this class very little text was read, we explained three ideas: 1) השתלשלות הכתרים זה מזה there’s a special relationship between all כתר. This happens by each world ending in a point which is tiny compared to itself, but it is the basis for the infinity (כתר) of the next world. 2)…

35. וערבה להוי’ מנחת יהודה ה’תשמ”א

We ask that what we do be sweet from above time until time on the lowest level. This מאמר explains how high the work of Yidden reach. It also speaks glowingly about the שרש of the Jewish people. A mystical connection between this Possuk and Erev Pesach.

34. הא לחמא עני’ ה’תשמ”א

Class One. This class introduces three ideas of Matza: 1) Matza Aniya in Mitzrayim, 2) Matza Aniya after they left Mitzrayim, 3) Matza Ashira. The three appear to be connected to the three אהבות that are three levels of ביטול in this מאמר in the following order: ואהבת את הוי’ אלוקיך בכל… 1)נפשך 2)לבבך 3)מאודיך…

33. בכל דור ודור ה’תשמ”א

Class One. יציאת מצרים actually and as it relates to the ירידת הנשמה למטה happens in stages: It goes from one step to another (downwards) going into the Galus and from one step to another going out of the Galus. Each Geula is a Galus compared to a later Geula, and it continues forever. Class…

32. להבין ענין הנגעים ה’תשמ”א

The source of צרעת is בינה without חכמה. Explanation: רצוא without שוב. Example: שבת vs. the weekdays.

31. החודש הזה לכם ה’תשמ”א

(פרשת החודש) Class One. This class begins with a lengthy introduction about the Rebbe’s unique contribution to מאמרי חסידות. One of the Rebbe’s big new ideas is the idea of the אלקות of חושך וצמצום עצמו. This class explains the aforementioned idea by explaining why the Torah begins with (darkness) בראשית ברא אלוקים which must…