
46. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5742/3 (Muga)

Class One. Shabbos has two levels: 1) The delight of Shabbos which happens by itself, 2) The delight of Shabbos which is connected to Avoda. Rosh Hashana is also about delight, but it is higher than both of the aforementioned levels, it reaches the מקור כל התענוגים- the source of all delight. It actually isn’t…

45. שוש אשיש ה’תשמ”ב.

All aspects of this Possuk are explained. Both joys are connected to Rosh Hashana. The basis for the discussion is the idea that on Rosh Hashana we bring something truly new down into the world.

44. אתם נצבים ה’תשמ”ב.

Teshuva and Achdus, various levels higher and higher.

43. שמח תשמח ה’תשמ”ב

Levels of higher and higher Simcha justifies bringing Joy to the (already) Joyous.

42. אני לדודי ה’תשמ”ב

1) Elul is time of Teshuva 2) we get the strength for Teshuva from the 13 attributes of mercy: the King in the field. 3) The King visits the field because each Jew is חלק אלוק ממעל ממש. 4) In the City, Field, desert 5) In the desert you find if you search there; the…

41. תנן בסיום מסכת תענית לא היו ימים טובים לישראל וכו’ ה’תשמ”ב

This Ma’amar which the Rebbe repeats rather often is about the idea of two levels of Yomim Tovim. The greater of the two types are Teshuva Yomim Tovim such as Yom Kipur (when we got the second Luchos) and Chamisha Asar BiAv (when the Beis HaMikdash is built after destruction). He speaks of three levels:…

40. ציון במשפט תפדה ה’תשמ”ב

This Possuk has two ideas which this Ma’amar develops into three based on the Possuk ואשים דברי בפיך ובצל ידי כסיך לנטוע שמים וליסוד ארץ ולאמור לציון עמי אתה. The idea is that there is Torah which is Essence that is above the two ideas of Mitzvos and Tefilla. Torah is ציון. Mitzvos and Tefilla…

39. אלה מסעי ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. The classic discussion of Chassidus on this Possuk is repeated here. The journeys from Egypt and through the desert are ירידה צורך עלי’ה on two levels: 1) The Yidden have an Aliya. 2) They took along and elevated the sparks of Mitzrayim. Thus the departure is really taking Egypt along. Thus the reference…

38. עשרה שיובים ועוסקים בתורה ה’תשמ”ב 3 (Muga)

Class One. More on the advantage of Tefilla over Torah it is the real source of Bittul Of being an Eved. Class Two. Another point regarding Torah study, that in bringing light downward it is fulfilling the divine plan in creation and as such it reaches “Atzmus” Thus placing Torah in as much as it…

37. עשרה שיושבים ה’תשמ”ב 2 (Muga)

Class One. This class on this Ma’amar repeats and organizes the ideas that show the similarity between Davening and Learning with a Minyan. Class Two. This class focuses on the asymmetry of Torah with a Tzibur and Tefillah with a Tzibbur. Davening is more important in terms of reaching up. Torah is more important in…