26. ונחה ה’תשמ”ב
Class One. The point that separates קריעת ים from לעתיד לבא is, That at Yetzias Mitzrayim what was limited and our initiative was uplifted into clarity like seeing, Emuna and Bittul, while when Moshiach comes, the faith and clarity of seeing will be brought down into our understanding etc. Class Two. In this class we…
25. הא לחמא עני’ה ה’תשמ”ב
Class One. The two allusions to Matza in the Haggada, one in Mitzrayim and another as they were leaving. חידוש נפלא הנמצא במאמר זה that אתכפיא is higher than אתהפכא. This is the basis for how we understand הא לחמא עני’ די אכלו אבהתנא בארעא דמצרים. Class Two. The Ma’amar inside. Two Matzos- before and…
24. כימי צאתך ה’תשמ”ב (Muga)
Class One. The question: why speak of Yetzias Mitzrayim after Moshiach comes, since that redemption will be much higher? Answer One: Because there is some similarity, as both are connected to revealing the 50 gates of Bina (but not on the same levels). Answer two: Because all Geulos -freedom- begins with Yetzias Mitzrayim and it…
23. בעשור לחודש ה’תשמ”ב
Based on a Ma’amar of the Tzemach Tzedek. The first three days separated קליפת נוגה from ג’ קליפות הטמאות לגמרי. The fourth day elevates קליפת נוגה in אתכפיא. Eating is אתהפכא.
22. אדם כי יקריב מכם ה’תשמ”ב
1) Korban means to bring close, and everything can be made closer. 2) It is brought close by Yidden who are Hashem’s shluchim. 3) It begins with the sacrifice of self, and more specifically the sacrifice of the higher and Godly 4) It continues to the more mundane and lowly, including the body and animal…
21. החדש הזה לכם ה’תשמ”ב.
This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar. Class One: There are four levels: 1) World, where divisions of time are not real 2) When Hashem “Chose” His world. Adding this choice makes the world of value to Him, but He puts His essence into it so the value is real. 3) the (theoretical) idea that will…
20. זאת חוקת ה’תשמ”ב
this is a Parshas Para Ma’amar. Parshas Para is called “חקת התורה” because: 1) It has רצוא ושוב in it, 2) It has the idea of the מדות which motivate our life as Jews, 3) It comes from the שרש ומקור התורה the idea of carved (rather than written) letters אותיות החקיקה. This provides the…
19. ליהודים תשמ”ב
The Jewish people added a new dimension to their service and worship of God that is represented in their name “יהודים” which includes two things: A the denial of all idol worship, B. The acceptance of all of Torah and Mitzvos. This change in their service results in the fact that the reinstatement of these…
18. כי תשא את ראש ה’תשמ”ב
1) When counting is good את שדרכו למנות it makes it eternal and infinite, and when counting is no good, כל שדרכו למנות, counting limits and reduces. Counting lifts up and makes us whole. Yidden are a half חצי צורה and they are made whole by doing their own maximum. This raises their heads and…
17. ויבא עמלק ה’תשמ”ב
The attack by Amalaik on the Jewish people has two basis: 1) They were weak in the hands, which means the Torah (which is not intellect but Godliness that is rooted higher than reason and extends lower) was not affecting their actions which reflects a deeper cause and source for weakness. 2) They went out…
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