Class fifty eight
Class Fifty Eight. כי נר מצוה ותורה אור ודרך חיים תוכחת מוסר. The three steps are מצות that make one a כלי for the אור התורה but to have it one must do אתכפיא so there’s adequate room for the אור to reveal itself in. How this manifests in Avoda.
Class fifty seven
Class Fifty Seven. This class is not text based and includes the Chanuka part of the Ma’amar (from the beginning of Perek 1 and Perek 4). The basic idea is that the Chashmonim demonstrated such a great Mesiras Nefesh as to make it possible to use their energy to light up the night, the street…
44. תקעו בחדש שופר תשמ”ג
Class One. This class revolves around the Paragraph in Siddur: היום הרת עולם היום יעמוד במשפט כל יצורי עולמים אם כבנים אם כעבדים היום הרת עולם means that today man was not only created but conceived, originally as four separate elements and only afterwards joined together, so the Avoda must involve the ideas of each…
43. שוש אשיש בהוי’ תשמ”ג
Three pesukim from the Haftorah of the last Shabbos of the year encompass all of time: שוש אשיש בהוי’ תגל נפשי באלוקי represents the Hidden Joy of Rosh Hashana and the revealed Joy of Sukkos. The Ma’amar explores why the Joy of Rosh Hashana is happy in spite of the awe- because we are crowning…
42. והי’ כי תבא תשמ”ג
Of all Korbanos Bikurim is represented by Tefilla the best because it has the two aspects of a sacrifice and a return. It is connected to the Land of Eretz Yisroel that also has the two ideas 1) running to Hashem, 2) settling and living there.
41. ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם תשמ”ג
Class One. Based on the Alter Rebbe’s Ma’amar in Likutei Torah, This class, which is the first of two is dominated by what appears to be the Rebbe’s questioning the Alter Rebbe: The Alter Rebbe explains that after Mattan Torah (some part of) the Jewish Neshama is revealed. He goes as far as explaining this…
40. ואכלת ושבעת תשמ”ג
This Ma’amar is on Bentching. Why are there three biblical blessings and the ChaZaL added a fourth? It is like the numbers 3 (lights) that is favored by the Sefer Yetzirah and the number 4 (light and vessel) favored by later Kabbalah. Hashem’s favoritism to His people for Bentching for a smaller amount than what is…
39. לא היו ימים טובים לישראל התשמ”ג
15 Menachem av is opposite Tisha Bi’Av Ahavas Yisroel is opposite Sinas Chinam and brings the Geula. This Ma’amar focuses singularly on loving a fellow Jew (very powerful).
38. וידבר משה אל ראשי המטות התשמ”ג
מילי דחסידותא is the same idea as זה הדבר words bring the greatest holiness down! There are four types of Jews: רשע who corresponds with ‘עשי, the בינוני who corresponds to יצירה, then the צדיק who corresponds to בריאה, but even he is subject to imperfection (particularly as the word צדיק is used in the…
37. שאו ידיכם קדש תשמ”ג
One of the Ma’amarim of the redemption of 12 Tamuz 5687. The issue is that hands are connected to action (the lowest thing) and holiness is the highest thing, how do these two come together. The Rebbe explains that the purpose is to do actions, hands, and raise them up to the levels of 1)…
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