36 ברוך הגמל לחייבין טובוח תשמ”ג
This Bracha is different than other ברכות הנס as it is also (primary) about the Spiritual Journey, this is the reason for the change of format etc. This struggle has four categories (the latter finer than the former) all connected to the Neshama coming down here.
35. אז ישיר ישראל תשמ”ג
Class One. Digging the well rather than having it been given from above. Class Two. מעין גנים from Hashem. באר מים חיים ונוזלים מן לבנון, from man and the advantage of the latter over the former.
34. להבין ענין הנסכים תשמ”ג
The נסכים (libations) would not begin until the Yidden went into Eretz Yisroel, a full forty years after the קרבנות started in the משכן. This מאמר explores why, using קריאת שמע and תפילין as the illustration. In the מדבר they had only מצוות of רצוא and not שוב therefore they had no נסכים which represents…
33. וידבר ה’ …כה תברכו …יברכך גו’ התשמ”ג
ברכת כהנים is a familiar theme in Chassidus. In this מאמר the רבי turns the ברכה המשלשת (triple blessing) into the ברכה המחומשת (the quintuple blessing). He explores the idea of ברכת המזון after a כזית וכביצה which is לפנים משורת הדין gets us נשיאת פנים.
32. ואהי’ אצלו אמון התשמ”ג
A שבועות מאמר that goes through the five levels in this פסוק and links them to כתר, חב”ד, מדות, מלכות and the lower worlds. In the lowest worlds the highest idea of Torah is revealed.
31. בשעה שהקדימו ישראל נעשה לנשמע התשמ”ג
This מאמר explains that only when the נעשה comes before the נשמע is the נעשה a נעשה and the נשמע a נשמע. They got crowns for both. Crowns mean: 1) beauty, 2) above the head. Why Jews need the help of מלאכים at מתן תורה.
30. והי’ מספר בני ישראל תשמ”ג
The four levels אש רוח מים עפר represent all of creation, and are found micro-cosmically in each person as we must elevate all of the world. The רבי explains how these four ideas are three (or four) types of Teshuva which involves leaving this world. There is however another Teshuva, where זדונות נעשו לו כשכיות,…
29. אם בחוקותי תשמ”ג
Chuka means edict but it also means engraved. This Parsha refers to all of Judaism as “Chuka” to underscore the level of service and connection associated with Chakika. There are three levels: 1) תורה שבעל פה which remains separate from the person even after he learns it. 2) תורה שבכתב which is initially separate but…
28. Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5743
This classic Shmini Ma’amar explores: 1) The world is represented by (order in the) number 7. 2) In the Bais Hamikdash there was a higher wholeness (as it reveals Havaya as opposed to Elokim) also in the number 7. 3) In Moshiach’s time there will be the number 8, associated with ‘Mochin ChaBaD’ which is…
27. Kimei Tzaischa 5743 (2)
This class begins with a short discussion on Yom Haatzmaut. This Maamar can be learned in three sections: 1) We link Moshiach to Yetzias Mitzayim, as all of our history is an ongoing continuum of Yerida Tzorech Aliya, where even the lowest moments are part of the Aliya ultimately. 2) Netzach is real the very…
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