
16. Vayehi Beeztem Hayom Hazeh 5743

The name Tzvaos in BY”A- an idea that originates with the Alter Rebbe and not from before. It refers to the idea that there is Godliness also in the lowest worlds. The meaning of the Tzivos Hashem in Chumash are the sparks the Jewish people took with them from Egypt, the Jews themselves are ‘Al…

15. Vihaya Midei Chodesh 5743

Vihaya Midei Chodesh 5743Aliya Liregel is a Mitzvah that one only fulfills if he sees. If one fails to see, he has no requirement to go. Therefore, in historic times there was no obligation to go on Shabbos, because the experience of Shabbos was higher than what could have been experienced. The same is true…

14. Habaim Yashresh Ya’akov 5743

Why does the Parsha that epitomizes Golus have a Haftorah that talks of Geula? The answer: the point of Galus is Geula. Not only the Geula from Mitzrayim is hinted here but all the Geulos including the final one. It is very important to reveal however that this advantage of Geula begins emphatically on the…

13. Baruch Sheusu Nissim 5743 (Muga)

Class One. This part of the Ma’amar (which is the largest part of the Ma’amar) explores many levels of life and connection: 1) Food and drink, 2) Wine, 3) Water that is higher than wine, 4) Oil, 5) Good smell, 6) Light. Each of these six are found in the Beis HaMikdash and the Ma’amar…

12. Rani ViSimchi 5743

To get to the Essence you must go in order and start from the very bottom. Osiyos before Ohr in Torah, Mitzvos Maasoyos before any Kavana. Bas Tzion.

11. Pada Bishalom 5743

Three levels: 1) War 2) Peace 3) Teshuva (Moshiach).

10. וישלח ה’תשמ”ג

This Ma’amar explores the וישלח מאמרים of the Alter Rebbe and the Mitteler Rebbe, how they all flow along the theme of the Parsha from the beginning until Shlishi. It also explores and initial idea that the Mitteler Rebbe later refutes but does not remove from the מאמר. Even in פנימיות התורה there is פלפול…

09. פדה בשלום ה’תשמ”ג

Yaakov went down into Galus and achieved a greater height, Teshuva, wealth etc. Because of the קרב- the struggle the redemption is more peaceful. Going into קרב 3 levels: 1) war, 2) up close body to body, 3) up close soul to soul (which is even closer, but brings on up even higher).

08. ויהיו חיי שרה תשמ”ג

Sara draws down from the unity of Kesser מאה שנה (in singular) to the unification of Chochma and Bina עשרים שנה (in singular) to the variety and division of the Middos שבע שנים (in plural). Her purpose is to bring Godliness down to the place of plurality by protecting that it go only to Kedusha…

07. וה’ פקד את שרה תשמ”ג

Class one. Mazal is the source for Children health and Parnassa. In the case of Jewish people, this is the level of אין which is interpreted to be the deepest level possible. We reach and affect the מזל through an עבודה on the level of בכל מאדיך which is the יחידה. Class Two. This class…