
06. זאת אות הברית התשמ”ג

There was no rainbow before the מבול as the air was too dense for clouds that would allow light through. The מבול refined the world so the clouds would allow light through in the form of a rainbow. The מאמר explains clouds first and then the rainbow: Clouds come from the earth and reflect the…

05. ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חדש תשמ”ג

This מאמר begins and ends with מחר חדש: Dovid receives from Yehonasan but in the end due to his Bittul exceeds him and he becomes 1) greater and 2) the Mashpia. The body -ביאור- of the מאמר discusses ברכות: 1) Bringing down, 2) Three levels of Brachos: הנהנין, המצוות, תפילה. 3) ברכות that are חותם…

04. להבין ענין שמחת תורה התשמ”ג

1) Shmini Atzeres is about תשובה, Shavuos is about צדיק. Therefore the עצרת of סוכות is right after סוכות, as תשובה takes no time, while the עצרת of פסח is seven weeks later as what צדיקים do takes time. שמחת תורה is joined with שמיני עצרת to add the joy element which breaks all barriers…

03. וחג האסיף התשמ”ג Muga

The system of unity (as explained here) is three steps: 1) division, 2) unification, 3) Oneness (where no parts exist at all, as all the parts are part of one complex purpose). In this מאמר this idea plays itself out in four things: 1) The harvest, 2) The Sukka, 3) The Four Minim Lulav etc,…

02. שובה ישראל התשמ”ג

Class One. Little text was read in this class. The idea explored (which is apparently the essence of the Ma’amar) is the idea that all levels of יראה are connected because at their root is ביטול. In a similar vein all levels of תשובה are connected even the lowliest of a sinner and the loftiest…

01. Adon Olom 5743 (Muga)

Class Three. This Ma’amar begins where the last one ends: In the last Ma’amar the idea was that we affect the bringing forward of מקור כל התענוגים through blowing Shofar. Here the argument is put forth that the highest idea is not doing for any kind of pay back or effect but simply to do…

00. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5742/3 (Muga)

Class One. Shabbos has two levels: 1) The delight of Shabbos which happens by itself, 2) The delight of Shabbos which is connected to Avoda. Rosh hashana is also about delight, but it is higher than both of the aforementioned levels, it reaches the מקור כל התענוגים- the source of all delight. It actually isn’t…

Amar Reb Oishiya… Tzidkas Pirzono 5743.

The Possuk which is the source of Reb Oshiya’s limud is addressing the end, the reward that will be when Moshiach comes: The pizur, the scatter and its challenges, will bring the infinite blessing, the Prazos. Netzach is brought forward from a King in very trying times, But it gets you the treasure. The Nimshal…

Basi Ligani 5743.

Class One. 1) Introduction, 2) Histalkus means a revelation which is universally the same, 3) Moshe builds the Mishkan as he is the seventh who brings the Shechina down here, 4) When there is opposition the Midas HaNetzach emerges, 5) Question: ‘Limata Mata Ad Ain Tachlis’- why so much Torah explains Klipa and in so…