38) Ma Tovu 5744
Why does it say only once ‘Ma Tovu’ for Ohalim and Mishkanos? Answer: by Jews even the temporary, Ohel, is permanent.
37) Vihaya Midai Chodesh 5744
37) Vihaya Midai Chodesh 5744This Ma’amar is teaching how to learn a Ma’amar. When you don’t understand ask! The Rebbe discusses two Ma’amarim: the Ma’amarim of Rosh Chodesh and Machar Chodesh and for the most part asks but does not answer any of his questions, to teach us how to learn. Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh…
36) Viavad HaLevi 5744
In this Ma’amar, he explores the idea that Gevuros don’t begin to be corrected until Korach (!!) and Levi. Gevuros should really not be correctable (and then the evil is never transformed) but through Chesed, even the Gevuros are elevated and transformed.
35) Karov Hashem 5744
Class One. Moshe’s explaining to the Malachim that they didn’t get the Torah because they have no Yetzer Hara etc, is really about the idea of Dira Bitachtonim. Fortunate is one who comes here (to Gan Eden) with the Talmud in his hand, meaning he brings along the level of Torah connected to action. Class…
34) Usfartem 5744
Class One. 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer and 3) Mattan Torah are compared to 1) Sur MeRa, 2) Asei Tov, 3) Bakeish Shalom. Class Two. 1) The connection between Shabbos and Sefiras HaOmer is understandable in this Ma’amar which makes Sefira into a positive thing: revealing Godliness into the World, Shabbos. 2) Yidden are…
33) Ko Sivurachu 5744
1) Lichatchile Ariber in learning Torah. 2) Birchas Kohanim, higher than Bracha and Tefilla. 3) What Yoseph wanted that Ya’akov could not do for him at the moment. 4) What does the Kohein get for blessing us, Rabbi Yishmael “a Kohein helps a Kohein”.
32) VaYedaber… Bamidbar Sinai 5744
Introduction, the Torah speaks in the language of man, but behind are deep lessons for all times. The lesson of counting the Yidden. 1) Through Moshe with the power of Hashem, 2) Midbar Sinai- Aliya, 3) Ohel Moed- Hamshacha, 4) Connect a Yid’s Rosh (head) to his Gulgoles (skull)- the NaraN to the Chaya Yechida…
31) Im Bichukosai 5744
The world was perfect at creation and becomes more perfect through work: Dira BiTachtonim.
30) Rabi Omer 5744
Rabi, who wrote the Mishna as a reaction to Golus teaches, that when one can choose he should choose Derech Havaya, order and not disorder, even if the disorder is infinite and the order is finite. The two examples of infinite are 1) Teshuva, but this involves sin, no one is allowed to sin (even)…
29) Moshe Kibel Torah 5744
This Ma’amar explores the Torah Chadasha of Moshiach, two ideas: 1) The reason for Torah Chadasha is that if the world is new and the Yidden are new, then there must be a new Torah as well. 2) It can only happen through Moshiach, who is a Yid, a Neshama, who is higher than the…
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