18. Aile HaMishpatim 5744
1) Mishpatim mean the Mitzvos that we have in common with Goyim, yet you must learn them from Torah and Bati Din yisroel, because… 2) Tasim means the hidden level of Torah and 3) Lifnaihem means the Pnimiyus of the Neshama, which is not available in non Torah sources. 4) It must be pointed out…
17. Vichol HaAm Roim 5744
Why was Mattan Torah with so much fanfare and noise? The idea is that Mattan Torah reveals ‘Atzmus’ that breaks ‘The decree that separates the higher from the lower’. The ‘noise’ affects Bittul which is (in a way) the Keli to receive ‘Atzmus’. The Class discusses the change that is affected by the fact that…
Basi Ligani 5744 – Part 1
Class One. This first class is mostly the introduction. 1) The first sins were superimposed by Hashem to have a T’shuva rather than a Tzadik world. 2) This causes it to last forever as 3) darkness is addressed and transformed, 4) Tzivos Hashem achieve this with Mesiras Nefesh and Kabalas Ol, 5) The two Prakim…
15. Vayehi BeEtzem Hayom haze 5744
Yetzias Mitzrayim is linked to midday and mid night. This is difficult to explain is it about light or darkness? and the answer is that it is about transformation.
14. Hu Aharon Umoshe 5744
Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar discusses the dual expression in the Possuk Aharon UMoshe and Moshe ViAharon. It is explained on four levels: 1) Each does a different task- Aharon does Yetzias Mitzrayim and Moshe the bittul of the Pharaoh, 2) Each needs the assistance of the other, but the primary player…
13 Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5744
A Ma’amar that juxtaposes Mezuza and Chanuka candles and wonders why we join them together at the door, Mezuza on the right and the Menora on the left. Mezuza is for the house though it protects you even when you leave it. This protection is on the level of Hashem Echad (you’re above the world…
12. Pada BiShalom 5744
Shalom doesn’t mean that there is no opposition, but that there is merely an opposition that simply is not resisting, Shalom Rav means that the opposition is completely eliminated and transformed. This is the real insight into Pada BiShalom… Ki BiRabim…
11. Ze Hayom Techilas Maasecha 5744
Class One. This class has an introduction that explains what will come in the second class. This maamar explains the letter from the Rebbe RaShaB that called Yud Tes Kislev Rosh Hashanah LaChassidus, and he wrote about this day ‘Ze Hayom…’ the inner Kavana of creation is revealed on this day and it has to do…
10. Pada BiShalom 5744
The standard Pada BiShalom (explaining the Possuk, not the Gemara) is repeated here. The level of peace follows the level of war. It begins (war) in little children who go towards peace as they age. this idea is explored in this class.
09. Machar Chodesh 5744
Machar Chodesh 5744, Class One. Introduction a perfect world versus and imperfect world even at the highest levels. The classic theme of Machar Chodesh is repeated here. Yonasan is blessed in so many ways but he knows that the truth is with Dovid and he surrenders to his Bittul, calls it out and enhances it….
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