
52. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5745

Class One. The first of two classes on ‘Tiku’ 5745. The Ma’amar explains the need to renew the M’lucha from Atzmus. This is done by Yidden through ‘crowning Him’. The Rebbe argues that the fact that we crown Him and that we use a human Mashal is proof that every Jew has the equivalent of…

51. Atem Nitzuvim 5745

Atem Nitzuvim means we are being helped to stand. The Koach comes simply from reading the Torah. However, we must also work to remember the covenant, through Malchiyos (Kabbalas Ol), Zichronos (remembering the Bris) and Shofros (action and Ta’anug).

50. Ki Tavo

Class One. This first class on the Ma’amar of Ki Savo we learned the ‘biur’ Everything in threes 1) Neshama 2) Guf 3) what binds them; 1) Mimalei 2) Sovev, 3) higher than both; 1) Malchiyos, 2) Zichronos, 3) Shofros; 1) Sur Mera, 2) Asei Tov, 3) Bakeish Shalom; Class Two. The second Shiur on…

49. Ki Teitzei 5745

Class One. One must engage in the war of birurim, and go out with a winning attitude, and then Hashem gives us victory. The victory is also ours and we elevate sparks taking back what was K’dusha in the first place. After the basic Birur and elevation, we must refine it, even to the extent…

48. Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadushim… 5745

Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadushim… 5745[1) Introduction: Shabbos Mivorchim Elul, inspiration.(15 minutes)] 2) Ma’amar. This Ma’amar juxtaposes the beginning and the end of the Rosh Chodesh Haftorah, which is also the beginning and the end of the entire (set) Torah Ohr and Likutei Torah. It begins by celebrating the heaven and the earth being made into…

47. Vihaya Eikev 5745

This Ma’amar explains Eikev in several ways (the lowest generation the lowest world etc.) and Tishmeun, Ushmartem, VaAsisem, (Machshava, Dibur and Maase) which are all included in Shmia, Shma Yisroel. When we elevate the lowest level we reveal Atzmus.

46. Nachamu 5745

This Maamar that deals mostly with the idea of Moshe’s 515 prayers (VaEschana) to go into Eretz Yisrael, also deals with the idea of the 15th of Menachem (Av) as well as the haftora, Nachamu Nachamu Ami. The prayer is above Hishtalshelus, and asks for something beyond deserved but still from the Chain that is…

45. Kodesh Yisroel 5745

This Maamar develops (some of the ideas in) the Alter Rebbe’s maamar in Likutie Torah on this Parsha. Kodesh Yisroel LaHavaya, means that Neshamos, before they descend, are on the level of Havaya and even higher, as they are kodesh in a relationship with Havaya. Raishis Tevuasu (Tevuaso) means 1) that Neshamos are higher than…

44. Baruch HaGomel (2) 5745

Class One. 1) The Neshama in a Guf is a Golus, 2) In this world in Galus is a double Galus, 3) the four that must say Gomel, that spiritually refers to a sinner doing Teshuva, is the ultimate Yerida, which brings the ultimate Aliya. This yerida is so low, and its’ potential Aliya so…

43. Yehiu Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 4745

The Ma’amar is based on the Sicha of 3 Tamuz 5687, Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu, that is a Tefilla, though it begins with a Posuk. It discusses the order of the Kuntres 12 Tamuz observing that it begins with Galus comparing Yidden to grapes that do the best when removed from their roots, he goes…