
42. Boruch HaGomel (1) 5745

This is the first of two maamarim based on this Bracha. The Rebbe RaYaTz said this maamar twice in 5687 also. The two maamarim complement one another and some ideas are explained at length in the first and abbreviated in the second and other aspects are developed more in the second. In this first Maamar…

41. Zos Chukas 5745

The Torah has three levels, Chakika (engraved,) Ksiva (written,) and Baal Peh (oral.) These three also exist in the person learning and practicing the Torah. Action (oral,) feeling (written), and oneness (Chakika). There is a level of connection even higher than Chakika. In this Maamar the Rebbe explores a little bit the idea the Baal…

40. ViHinei Parach matei aharon 5745

Class One. The first level of Birchas Kohanim: it comes from the highest level and therefore descends to the lowest place and is guarded there. Class Two. Birchas kohanim cont. 2) the Matei Aharon reveals the infinity of the Bracha of the Kahuna from the beginning, 3) The Birchas kohanim transform evil to good. This…

39. Im Chafetz Banu 5745

The Miraglim, a commentary on the standard Ma’amar of chassidus on the Miraglim. In p’shat down here bad people with bad intentions and bad actions, why does Chassidus paint them in such a lofty light? Answer: Chassidus speaks of them as they are in their Shoresh where there is only good. Beis Shamai and Beis…

38. Ko Sivurchu 5745

Class One. Another Ma’amar that is (in part) a Mattan Torah Ma’amar. Why is Hashem introducing Himself as the Redeemer and not as the Creator, considering that Creator is Yesh MeAyin and a far greater miracle? The Rebbe explains because we look at things when they are actual (revealed) and not potential (hidden). Though from…

37.Tzena UrEna 5745

Another Shavuos Ma’amar. The Crowns: were there one two or three of them? Did they come from the Malachim to us or from us to Hashem? The answer: the source of all the Crowns are the Yidden, and they gave them to Hashem, but we need the help of the Malachim and therefore it is…

36. Us’Fartem 5745 (Erev Shavuos)

This Erev Shavuos Ma’amar talks about the three steps of 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer, 3) Mattan Torah, and argues that in each of these three there was a Koach elyon that allowed for this event to happen 1) Nigla Alaihem… 2) MiMuchras HaShabbos, the higher than hishtalshelus Koach for Sfira, 3) the ‘Tmimos’…

35. B’Shaa Shehikdimu 5745

First Class. This shiur explains the three levels of 1) Bitul to Ratzon Prati of the Mitzva, 2) Bitul to the Will for all Mitzvos (as one), 3) Bittul to Hashem (He who has given them the Mitzvos). Class Two. In this class we explore the connection between the three bittuls 1) Ratzon Prati, 2)…

34. Im Bichkosai 5745

The Rebbe calls this Ma’amar of the Mitteler Rebbe a ‘wondrous Ma’amar’, It explains three levels in each and every Mitzvah: 1) Commandment (as the Soul is contained in the Nefesh HaBahamis; B’Chol Livuv’cha), 2) A promise that you’ll do it [as the Soul is by itself], 3) A story- the Mitzvah (literally) does itself…

33. Lehavin Inyan RaShBI 5745 (Muga)

Class One. The first half of this Mugadiker Ma’amar addresses the idea of ‘Shvachim’ (praise or flattery) we give to Hashem to arouse Him to give us (K’vayachol) and how this was reflected in the Tanaim who flattered RaShBI. What is unique to the Rebbe’s version of the Ma’amar is that he explains that the…