32. ViHiskadishtem ViHiyisem K’doshim 5745
This Maamar discusses holiness, not in the shul or Yeshiva but at the table. The holiness of the table (connected to washing, Brachos, Tzedaka and Torah) holifies the meal and contributes to the purpose of Avodas HaBirurim most substantially. It also mentions the idea that our holiness ‘holifies’ Hashem Himself (also).
31. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5745
Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5745Machar Chodesh. This is a difficult Maamar to figure out. It was taught as it was understood (and it may, of course, be wrong). Dovid’s real task is to be Moshiach, but for him to do his mission, the Birurim must be finished (by Shaul) first. The birurim are represented by the…
30. ViHecherim 5745
Class One. (A thought on 28 Nissan 5773). This Maamar which discusses Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf back then vs. the final Geula, explains (first) that to get the Torah down into this world there needed to be preparation from both ends. From the world’s end this was Yetzias (going out of and breaking…
29. Bchol Dor VaDor 5745
(a 13 Nissan Ma’amar). This Ma’amar is a continuation to the previous Ma’amar, it further explains and enhances why even after Moshiach comes, we will reference our Exodus from Egypt. He explains that the undeserved Geula requires work: 1) To keep the candle from going out, 2) Lighting a Candle, 3) A special enthusiasm. He…
28. Kimai Tzaischa Ma’Eretz Mitzrayim 5745
(A 11 Nissan Ma’amar). Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar explains the idea that we continue to leave Mitzrayim in space and in time (as we journey through our history and move from place to place) until Moshiach comes. He explores the highest source of Mitzrayim in the highest levels of Lifnai HaTzimtzum,…
27. Kigavna 5745
This very short Ma’amar explores the Friday night Kigavna, from the Zohar. This Ma’amar was said by each of the first three Rabbeiim, (which shows on unity of forms for ideas). In it he explains the Yichidim that happen on earth as do (always) in heaven (Atzilus). He explains further that the Avoda we do…
26.HaChodesh Haze Lachem… 5745
Class One. This class has the middle of the Maamar of haChodesh 5745, and it talks about the ideas of Teva (nature) and Ness (miracles). In nature, we not only see evidence of God’s presence, but we learn of the nature of God Himself, that he is unchanging. The Rebbe explains how much (and how…
25. Lihavi Inyan Para Aduma 5745
Para Aduma is t’shuva, this means being very far and elevating the very low, and in this way reaching higher than high. Every aspect of Para Aduma reflects this. 1) Done out of the camp, 2) Represents the four galuyos, [3) Done by the Sgan Kohein, 4) Has no allusions as Kidusha, only as Tahara,]…
24. Ki Tisa Es Rosh 5745
Another Maamar Ki Tisa, this time on the Parsha. Ki Tisa here means T’shuva which is higher than the Avoda of a Tzadik or Beinoni and is the only reason there is even a possibility of sin by the average Jew. T’shuva is higher than 1) Right and Left: Mitzvos Asei and Lo Tase, 2)…
23. Kiymu ViKiblu Hayehudim 5745
Purim is higher than Mattan Torah which is (in turn) higher than what the Avos did. The Avos were a Merkava but were able to bring Godliness only to Ruchniyus, At Mattan Torah the possibility to connect Gashmiyus was added and at the Purim story, the connection to Gashmiuys was entirely from below.
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