
02. Dirshu Havaya BiHimutzo 5745

This is a hemshech to the Rosh Hashana Ma’amar. The discussion here is about the idea of special prayer (connected to Davening with a Minyan or during the ten days of T’shuva when one is equal to an entire Minyan) that Hashem cannot ignore and He must answer kvayachol. On one level there is only…

01. Tiku Bachodesh Shofar 5745

Class One. The first class on this Ma’amar is introductory, underscoring what is unusual about it. 1) On Rosh Hashana everything is renewed from Atzmus. 2) It then comes down into the smallest details, 3) Because ‘Dira BiTachtonim’ is the point of all creation.. Class Two. This second class on this Ma’amar explores the details…

Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5745

Rosh Hashana is all about Tzimtzum! This Ma’amr that followed the Yud Shvat (5745) chidush of Tzimtzumim explains, that the reason for a head (of a year) is so the light can be brought lower and lower and lower, so that the Yid down here can achieve Achdus with Hashem through Avoda.

Beetzem Hayom Haze’. (5771).

The fast of 10 TEVES is compared to Yom Kippur. We would (according to the Abudraham) fast on Shabbos. Why? The Rebbe’s talk from 5745 explains this.

Machar Chodesh 5745.

Class One. The Possuk that discusses the birth and renewal of the (new) Month, has three readings: 1) That the sun (mashpia) creates an interest in the Mikabel (moon) to want to get light the following day, 2) On Rosh Chodesh, the Moon (in its Bittul) receives the light from the Mashpia, 3) In the…