
14. VeAvdi Dovid 5747

Yehuda and Yosef are two worlds. In the beginning Yosef was superior but in the end Yehuda will be.  Talmud (Torah) and Maase (Mitzvos). Now Mitzvos are for birurim and need Torah. When birurim finish Mitzvos will be for bittul and won’t need Torah.

51. Ze Hayom Techilas Maasecha 5747

Why is Rosh Hashana connected especially to Malchus (making Him a King). It reveals G-D with no constraints whatsoever.

50. Atem Nitzavim 5747

A commentary on the Likutei Tora’s Maamar with this name. Naturally Jewish unity is like a “klal” (all our differences are neutralized); Through Teshuva our unity becomes one of absolute equality.

49. Samach Tisamach 5747

Adding joy to the ever present joy of ”Reiim haAhuvim”. Infinite joy that comes down into form.

48. Ani Ledodi Vdodi Li 5747 (2) (erev Rosh Chodesh Elul)

This maamar explains that the two Maamarim ”Ani Ledodi” in Likutei Torah explain the revelation of the thirteen midos Harachamim in the order of “Klal Prat uKlal”.

47. Ani Ledodi Vdodi Li 5747 (1) (Shabos Mivorchim_Elul)

This Maamar explains that the idea of “Melech BaSade’” for those who haven’t sinned. Those who have are in the Midbar from where they find Hashem (uvikashtem Misham) and it is “tzorech aliya”.

45a. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel (UNEDITED VERSION) 5747

For various reasons, I taught both versions of the Maamar. Both versions are being made available. Naturally, the edited version is deeper and EDITED!