
41. Se’u Yedeichem Kodesh 5747 (5772/2012)

The Zohar explains that two Havayos in one Possuk should be understood as two Havayos (DilAila and Diltata- higher and lower). Moreover as one grows they discover many levels of higher and lower Havayos and what is higher to one level is low to the level above itself etc. [Levels of infinity]. This Possuk Se’u…

40. Hashamayim Kisi 5747

Hashamayim Kisi 5747The classic Ma’amar of the Alter Rebbe (in Torah Ohr on Breishis) is here analyzed, expanded and revolutionized. In the process, some obvious questions are resolved. Heaven and earth are (not only Torah and Yidden and the like, but also) the higher and lower worlds (including Atzmus). Accordingly, we can explain that the…

39. Lehavin Inyan HaNesachim 5747

The libations (Wine, and oil and flour) were to be brought with the Korbonos, but only once they entered into Eretz Yisroel. How this Mitzva is a reaction to or a follow up of the story (and it’s aftermath) of the Spies.

38. Ko Sivarachu 5747

All of Yiddishkeit has Klal and Prat. Birchas Kohanim BiChlal and BiPrat (Biklalus at least). It happens fast and is sure. The 3 Blessings correspond to Pesach Shavuos and Sukkos.

37. VeHar Sinai Ashan Kulo 5747

ASHAN is Olom Shana Nefesh. There are two orders: Olom is the highest and Olom is the lowest. What’s the fourth element? At Har Sinai Fire (G-Dliness) pervaded the world. The result was a “Smoking World”. What does this mean?

36. Bishaa Shehikdimu Yisroel Naase liNishma 5747

How many crowns were there? Two or three?

35. Vayedaber.. Bamidbar 5747

3 levels of Rachamim as preparation for Mattan Torah.

34. Lehavin Inyan Sefiras Haomer 5747

Three versions of what Sefiras HaOmer is for 1) Tzadikim, 2) Baalei Teshuva, 3) Higher than anyone’s personal condition. All three have Avoda relevance in our lives.