
33. ViNikdashti 5747

Kedusha (Mesiras Nefesh) in the every day is the level of Torah LiShma. There are two levels in this also.

32. Gan Naul.. Gal Naul… 5747

A commentary on a Maamar of the Rebbe Maharash which is part of the hemshech “Matza Zu 5640”. “Gan” is Mitzvos, Betrothal, Pesach. Yet it already has life and therefore sets the stage for”Gal” which is Torah, Marriage, Shavuos.

31. Livyasan Ze Yatzara 5747

A Ma’amar that explains the “Knigia” (performance) that Hashem will perform for Yidden in Olom Haba. A struggle between the Livyasan and the Shor HaBar. Each will slaughter the other and Yidden will eat both along with “Yayin HaMishumar” special wine being preserved since creation). What is Livyasan? (the epitome of pure holiness) and what…

30. VeHeinif 5747

Krias Yam Suf and Bekias Hanahar are two levels in giluy Elokus. They both prepare for a gift of Torah. Nigla and Nistar.

29. Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5747

This Maamar is a hemshech (continuation) to the one before it. It (also) discusses how Gevura is sweetened (ultimately) in it’s own source. How this is represented in 1) The revelation of the Shechina in this world (in the Beis Hamikdash), 2) The Mitzva of Birchas Kohanim, 3) Pesach and more.  

28. Tefilla LiDovid 5747

This Kapital [86] corresponded to the Rebbe’s birthday that year (5747). This maamar explains the number 86 the -gimatria (numerical equivalent) of Elokim. It explores three levels of Elokim and three level of sweetening Elokim with Havaya. It concludes with the sweetening of Elokim at it’s source.

27. Vaachaltem Achol 5747

After the end of 1) Birurim and 2) Aliyos, there will still be and additional Aliya in Olom Haba. If we are zoche’ even that Aliya will be through our effort and not a (shameful) gift.

26. Vayikra 5747

Hashem’s calling from His essence to the Essence of Moshe (and every Yid). This is then brought into the struggle of Avoda (life) in elevating and refining the G-dly soul, the animal soul and the body.

25. Hachodesh 5747

We have two new years, one for creation and another for Torah. This maamar explores how much higher the second is from the first. The Maamar is in two parts, the maamar itself is class one, while the incredibly deep mystical portion is in part two.

24. Zos Hatora Adam Ki Yamus biOhel 5747

Misa (death) has many levels and was relevant on a spiritual level before the first sin, and will continue being relevant even after Moshiach comes.