
23. Zachor… Amaleik 5747

Amaleik is our eternal enemy who attacks us even after we have been (spiritually) redeemed because he finds some weakness (achorayim) to exploit. Thus until Moshiach (even in a relative condition of Geula) he’s there to cool us off.

22. Vusu Li Mikdash 5747

The timelessness (“Li”) of the Beis Hamikdash 1) of the physical structure, 2) of the Beis Hamikdash in the heart.

21. Ki Sisa Es Rosh 5747

This is a Maamar for Parshas Shekalim. It explains that the half shekel represents Mesiras Nefesh (self sacrifice) and Teshuva (return). This insight explains why everyone gives the same amount, only a half shekel, is an atonement for our sins and is “Over al haPekudim” (higher than Torah).

20. Vayehi Bishalach Paro 5747 (5771)

Yidden’s golus experience enhanced them in 2 ways 1) they had an Aliya, 2) The birur of the sparks in Mitzrayim, thus- Paro sends us from Egypt once the work is done. How one has Shmira from this success and it’s joy being excessive (Plishtim-like). When Moshiach comes there’s no opponent. All will know Him….

18. Vayehi Beetzem Hayom Haze’ 5747

Tzv’aos is a holy name of G-d in the lower worlds.

17. Ki Kaasher Hamayim Hachdashim 5747

Ki Kaasher Hamayim Hachdashim 5747 simply reveals all the potential which already existed in golus. This idea is explained using 1) the analogy of birth 2) the example of the Avos and Moshe, 3) the Pesukim of this Haftora.

16. Habaim Yashreish Yaakov 5747

The lowest service is the highest purpose. It is revealed as such at the end as in the beginning. As it is represented in 1) Mitzrayim, 2) Golus, 3) The Neshama’s descent into this world.

13. Ki Ata HAVAYA Neiri 5747

Havayaof hishtalshelus comes into Elokim, The higher HAVAYA reveals a much higher light. This manifests at special times. On Chanuka, the higher light manifests and joins with the ordinary.