
02. Shir HaMaalos Mimaamakim 5747

Class One. The Nekuda of Malchus has no Metziyus. It therefore reflects Atzmus. Binyan HaMalchus therefore is revealing Atzmus. Class Two. The Nekuda of Malchus is Atzmus (RaDL”A) and not helem of Hishtalshelus at all. Yet Binyan HaMalchus reveals even RaDL”A- the unrevealable!

01. Tiku 5747

This Rosh Hashana Maamar explains that though all things, including time (and space) itself, are renewed from nothingness every second, some things, moments, and people (Yidden) are special. All these come together to crown Hashem as King on Rosh Hashana.

Machar Chodesh 5747.

The renewal of Rosh Chodesh is reminiscent of the renewal of Rosh Hashana.