
44. Tiku Bachodesh Shofar 5748

This Maamar was said Erev Rosh Hashana in the afternoon, after returning from the Ohel and davening Mincha. It was followed by the Rebbe distributing dollars!

43. Atem Nitzavim 5748

Yidden are able to renew Hashem’s Kingship (after He kvayachol resigns Erev Rosh Hashana) because they are rooted ”Lifnei Hashem Elokeichem”- in 1. Ratzon haMuchlat 2. Atzmus Umhus 3. Higher than that.

42. RE’EI 5748

This Maamar explains how Yidden have reiya (can see) G-Dliness even now. Though Hashem told Moshe that he can’t raise Yidden up to the level of Reiya.