
13. Amar Reb Oishiya 5748

Connection between the story of Devora and her Geula and 19 KISLEV. Both are geulos occurring during times of Geula.

12. Asher Bara 5748

Joy was created before the (idea of) Chosson and Kalla (Mashpia and Mikabel) to empower them to do their work.

11. Vayashkeim Lavan Baboker Vayenashek… 5748

Lavan in Torah kisses (empowers) his sons and daughters (hishtalshelus) to do it’s work, then departs (not to interfere).

10. Machar Chodesh 5748

Machar Chodesh 5748The renewal of the moon requires the disappearance of the old moon first. The mystical and Avoda meaning of this. How this Maamar connects to parshas Toldos and Vayetzei.

09. Isa biMidrash Yofe Sichasan 5748

This story is the source for the Avoda of ”Yichud M”A and BA”N. There are various examples of Mashpia and Mikabel. Ultimately it’s about the Mikabel.

08. Vayita Aishel 5748

The “Aishel” Avrohom planted allowed him to reveal “HAVAYA” in the world. The HAVAYA of after Mattan Torah is much higher. The point is to reveal G-Dliness in the world.

07. Lech Lecha 5748

Two types of moving and the unifying of these two “halichos”. This is achieved through Teshuva. Tzadikim lack the possibility for Teshuva even in Yecholes (and will get it from Moshiach).

06. Hashamayim Kisii 5748

Hashamayim Kisii 5748The notion of a divine seat and footstool is for us. There are actually three different notions of “earth” and “heaven”. Three levels of connection to Hashem.

05. Bayom Hashmini 5748

Shmini Atzeres is the day for “Pnimiyus ShebiPnimiyus”. This separates her categorically from the rest of Sukkos.