04. Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748
Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748Teshuva is healing with a purpose. Note this Maamar was prepared by Reb Yoel but not edited. Here we have both versions. Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748, Unedited Version. Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748, Prepared version.
02. Shuva Yisroel 5748
A yid who is a Tzadik (Beinoni) and walks straight also does Teshuva but for very subtle deviations from the straight line.
01. VAYECHULU 5748
The point of this Possuk is Friday (There is a world) not Shabbos (Kilayon). Yidden renew creation on three levels of “Bakese”.
Machar Chodesh 5748.
The connection between this classic Maamar and Rosh Chodesh KISLEV in particular.
Sefer HaSichos – 22 Shvat 5748 – Mishpatim 5748
The Sicha the day of the Rebbetzin’s Levaya about Ahavas Yisroel making nichum aveilim DeOraisa. The Sicha of Shabbos Mishpatim 5748 about the initiating of new mosdos in her name.
Ki Vayom Haze Yichaper 5748.
This Maamar was said on Shabbos Parshas Acharei 5748. It is however (also) a Yom Kippur Maamar.
Shir Hamaalos Mima’amakim; Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748.
Depths of Teshuva. Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748. This Maamar exists in 2 versions an unedited one and a prepared (also) unedited one. Both are included here.
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