Chazara (oral recitation) of the Ma’amar Viatta Titzaveh
5771 Johannesburg South AfricaAn English rendition of the Maamar (from ch. 4 onward) recited on 3 Tamuz 5771 in Johannesburg South Africa. 12 points. These two classes overview this Maamar using twelve quotes from its text that reveal its incredible chidushim (novel ideas). These two classes were given at Yeshiva Gedola in Melbourne Australia in…
One class summary of Viata Tetzaveh (5779/ 2019)
ואתה תצוה ה’תשנ”ב The point of the מאמר is 1) לקשר ולחבר את ישראל עם אוא”ס and 2) לזון ולפרנס את ישראל בענין האמונה to which the Rebbe adds 3) לזון ולפרנס את האמונה עצמה. The form of the מאמר revolves around three different “משה רבינו”s 1) that gives דעת in good times 2) another…
Overview of Vaata Tetzaveh (Version One).
This is an overview of the ma’amar V’Ata Tetzaveh given by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.¹ A key focus of the ma’amar is the role of a Rebbe and specifically the relationship between a Rebbe and Chassidim in our generation. The original pasuk (line) in the parsha Tetzaveh is “Ve’atah tetsaveh et-beney Yisra’el veyikchu eleycha shemen zayit…
V’Ata Tetzaveh Text Based 5778-2018 in eight classes
V’Ata Tetzaveh Text Based 5778-2018 [Class 1] This class discusses the first question of the Ma’amar why it says Viatta Titzaveh, which is an unusual form. The answer is also given. It is about Moshe connecting Yidden to Hashem. This class includes chapter 11 where the Rebbe explains that the “Viyikchu Ailecha” enhances the Viatta…
(5777/ 2017) ואתה תצוה ה’תשמ”א בלתי מוגה
This one class encompasses the entire unedited version of this מאמר Four points: 1) ואתה תצוה in this case משה is the point: to strengthen אידישע אמונה and internalize it. 2) ויקחו אליך causing an עלי’ה in Moshe, who grows in humility as a result of this new relationship, with another (lower) generation. 3) כתית…
In six Classes (5767)
Class One. Class Two. The Moshe Rabbeinu/Rebbe idea. Class Three. Cont. Moshe Rabbeinu gives Daas. Class Four. Mordechai was a Rebbe. The inner and outer dimensions. Mesiras nefesh reveals the Yechida itself. Class Five. Mordechai cont. After the ness of Purim Mordechai’s role changed: to arouse in Yidden a desperation for Geula that is (also)…
Introduction and Overview of Purim Katan 5752 (5776/ 2016)
Story of Adar 1 5772, and overview of this very important Ma’amar.
New Long Version 5774 in fifteen classes
Class One. The Questions, including the unwritten one. In this case it is not about the message that Moshe gives us, but about the messenger (Moshe) himself. Class Two. 1) Viata Titzaveh (in this case) means to connect Yidden to the Ein Sof, 2) Moshe’s reward: Viyikchu ailecha, he rises to the level of ‘Anochi’…
Sefer HaSichos Bo 5752 (03) – Moshe fears the Positive Spiritual Pharoah also
Bo Exile and Redemption (104) Continued (3). Moshe fears the positive spiritual Pharaoh as well. Why?
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