Emor 22:32 – Mesiras Nefesh al Kidush Hashem (5766)
Mesiras Nefesh al Kidush Hashem (5766).This class addresses the mitzva of Kiddush Hashem – sanctification of G-d’s name. This class is a must for those who love Rambam. Plus several exciting insights from Chassidus (references to follow).
Bechukosai 26:03 – Reward and Punishment (5766/ 2006)
Bechukosai 26-03 Reward and Punishment (5766/ 2006)This class on reward and punishment draws on the Rambam, Ramban, Abarbanel as explained in the Kli Yakar, and a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. If you want to hear more on this topic also see the Reward and Punishment class given for Parshas Vaeira in 2006 Note: Information…
Kedoshim 19:19 – Kedoshim – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)(2006)
Kedoshim 19-19. [Achrei Mos -] Kedoshim 2006 – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)This class presents a detailed discussion of the negative mitzvah of kilayim (forbidden mixtures of species) that is introduced in this parsha. Sources include Rashi, Rambam, Even Ezra, Ramban, Rabeinu Bechaye, and a maamar from the Rebbe Rashab from 5678.
Emor 22:32 – Chilul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem
Emor- Chilul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem, 5766.V’lo sichalelu venikdashti- pasukim lamed aleph through gimmel Sources: E. Ezra, Sforno, Ramban, Gemara, Zohar, Shach, Ch. Sofer, Gemara, Rambam, S. Hamitzvos, R. Bechayey, D. Mitzvosecha.This class is too long so it’s been divided, the first part is (short) everything until the RaMabaM, the second (larger) part is the…
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