Shoftim 16:18 – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk Series (5767/ 2007)
Shoftim 16-18 (5767/ 2007) – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk SeriesShoftim installment of First Pasuk in the Parsha series
Bamidbar 01:01 – The Importance of Details (5767/ 2007)
Bamidbar 01-01 (5767/ 2007) – The Importance of DetailsThis shiur based on the first Possuk in the Parsha – discusses the importance of details. Sources: Rash, Taz, E. Ezra, R. Bechaye, RaMbaN, Tur, Yalkut, Alshich, Rikanti, A Ma’amar and a Sicha – Bamidbar Sinai B’Ohel Moed B’echod L’Chodesh, B’Shana Hasheinis references to follow
Vaeschanan 06:04 – Shema Yisroel (01) – Why Two (names) Hashems in the Shema? (2007)
Vaeschanan 06-04 (Class One on Shma) 2007 – Why Two (names) Hashems in the Shema?Part one of a wonderful mini-series on Shema Yisroel. This first class addresses the question of why there are two instances of Hashem’s name in Shema Yisroel. Please note: the part of the recording that has been treated to eliminate excessive…
Eikev 07:12 – A Real and Reliable Reward (5767/2007)
Eikev 07-12. (5767/ 2007) – A Real and Reliable RewardThe Eikev installment of the advanced First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, the Tur, Yalkut, Alshich, Etz Hada’as Tov, Ralbag, a Ma’amar and Sichos (references coming).
Re’ei 11:26 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)(2007)
Re’ei 11-26 2007 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)In depth analysis of the blessings and curses in Parshas Re’ei in this installment of the First Possuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Yalkut, E. Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, R. Bechaye, Alshich, Etz HaDa’as Tov, Ma’amar.
Pinchas 27:15 – Vayedaber Moshe El Hashem… A Successor for Moshe Rabbeinu (5767/2007)
Pinchas 27-15. Vayedaber Moshe El Hashem… (5767). 2007 – A Successor for Moshe RabbeinuThis class on Parshas Pinchas addresses the question of the succession from Moshe Rabbenu to Yehoshua ben Nun. Rabbi Paltiel draws on the following sources: Midrash, Rashi, Sforno, Ralbag, Shelah, and a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The class is taught at…
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