
Masei 33:01 – The Journey is Never Over (5773/ 2013)

Masei 33-01 the journey is never over (5773/ 2013).A thought on the 42 trips and what comes afterwards.

Bamidbar 01:03 – From the Age of Twenty (5773/2013)

Bamidbar 01-03 From the age of twenty. (5773/2013).Men only were counted; and only from the age of twenty, why? There is an introduction, that makes a suggestion about why women were not counted. RaShI, RaMbaN, RaLbaG, E. HaDa’as Tov, Alshich, Shach, Yonasan Aibeshitz, Rikanti Likutei Torah.

Emor 21:03 – ViLaachoso HaBisula (5773/2013)

Emor 21-03.ViLaachoso HaBisula (5773/2013).The dinim of Khuna that prohibit a Kohein from becoming Tamai (spiritual contamination) has seven exceptions: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, wife, brother and… (in a separate Posuk) sister. Why is the sister in a separate Posuk and why are there three different rules that narrow what kind of sister one is permirtted…

Acharei Mos 16:08 – The Azazel (5773/2013)

Azazel, what does it mean and represent, especially on Yom Kippur? 1) Rashi, 2) Rashbam, 3) Chizkuni- a bribe to the left side, 4) Zohar, to distract the gevuros so that they don’t inspire judgement from ‘on high’, 5) Tziyuni, to ‘feed’ all the king’s servants even the bad ones, (so that all are included…